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Women's sexual desire can alter our lives. Your thoughts?

I've been thinking about sexual desire because I am meeting a new man today.

At age 15, a married man - a family friend- was deeply attracted to me. At gatherings, he pulled me into the shadows to kiss and fondle, groaning about wanting sex with me.

It was confusing. I trusted him. Also felt attracted to him. To my relief, he made the decision for me. Feeling guilty that I was a virgin, he suddenly pulled back.

Desire enters a young girl's life as a sudden force from the outside world, from men and boys, a confusing, overwhelming, and sometimes frightening bombardment that makes it difficult to find the mental space to figure out our own hungers.

At the same time, the belief that a “good” woman should be without appetite, that women’s desires are unseemly or even ugly, has been tenacious, especially among women themselves.

At 16-1/2, I began having sex with my first boyfriend Dave for the first time, a relationship that lasted six years. To my delight, my heightened senses and intensity made sex deeply pleasurable.

With a high sex drive, my body is flooded with oxytocin when I orgasm. It's the same hormone that bonded me with my baby while breastfeeding. Oxytocin has been called the love hormone and the bonding hormone. It’s a dopey, wishful feeling. Darn it!

Questions persist: Will he respect me in the morning? Do I care?

Your thoughts?

Photos: Age 15, ready for a prom with the first boy I was allowed to date. Darryl, 18, asked me to marry him that evening. I was horrified. "I'm going to college," I replied and immediately dumped him.

Rome, Italy during a European art tour with my family. I'm 2nd from the left, age 15.

A man pinched my butt as I ran alone down the steps of St. Peter's Basilica. I felt offended and scared. I had spent too long transfixed by Michaelangelo's Pieta. My family left without me.

Good thing my parents insisted we memorize the name of each hotel! And made us change money into the country's currency. I took a taxi to our hotel and paid with lira.

LiterateHiker 9 July 10

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28 comments (26 - 28)

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my parents told me nothing except hand me a medical book ,whooppee ,totally naive,,really screwed up my sex life back then


Happens to both sexes sudden flow of hormones can overwhelm a teenager. Into adulthood where a woman's desires can rule men's lives our desire to be loved and cherished rules both sexes

bobwjr Level 10 July 18, 2019

Desire enters a young girl's life as an outside force? I thought that kind of thinking was part of the past by now. Girls certainly feel their own desires and always have, despite what the nuns back in school tried to tell us.

Carin Level 8 July 11, 2019


What planet do you live on? Look up:

  1. "Me Too" movement.

  2. Rape culture on college campuses.

  3. Rape statistics by age of victims.

@LiterateHiker I understand what you mean now.

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