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LINK Peter Wehner Has Chilling Theory For GOP Silence On Alex Acosta’s Deal With Jeffrey Epstein

“We have a president who is a sexual predator,” the longtime Republican insider said.

HippieChick58 9 July 10

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Now if the congress and senate just gave a damn. The orange anus has changed all the rules. Never have I seen more partisan bullshit.


The accusations against trump have been out there for some time, yeah he is a sexual predator and it is troubling so many elected officials appear to have no problem with that.

That so many don't have a problem with it makes me wonder just how widespread it is.

@1of5 All you have to realize is 50% of the population is still treated like 2nd class citizens. From Anita Hill to Christine Blasey Ford we speak out and get trashed. That the young UNDER age girls were classed as paid prositutes by Acosta in epsteins first rape go round in Florida is beyond disgusting. Many men with this mind set are the problem not the women speaking out.

@silverotter11 very true.

I can't help but think they're worried about what they'll find out about who if they investigate. It's been said that every woman knows at least one woman who's been raped, so it stands to reason that every man knows at least one rapist. Finding out which ones probably scares the hell out of them.

@1of5 Not after trump got away with his 'grab 'em by the pussy' and and shoot someon on 5th Avenue comments. Individuals may be nervous but collectively I'm not so sure.

@silverotter11 they know the public has it's limits. Raping kids has really hurt the Catholic church, and even a small drop in support could cost them dearly. They only won the electoral vote in key areas by very slim margins.

Of course people in general tend to act idiotic, so I may be putting hope where there should be none. Actually, what I hope is it isn't as widespread as I think it is.


Yes our POTUS is a sexual predator and Retuglicans just don't care. Sad.

@altschmerz I tell conservatives here in Texass that I don't understand their support fo the orange stain, he is neither a fiscal conservative nor a conservative on personal issues. He blew up the national debt with his tax breaks and the pussy grabber comment is all you have to know about his personal values. But his followers are like a religious cult, they refuse to use reason.

@DaveSchumacher thats it -he's modeled himself like a David Koresh or the guy who made them drink the kool-aid.

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