But there's not a race problem in America.
Every so often I’m reminded of what ‘America’ is; that melting pot of humanity. Sure, there’s larger proportions of some … and fewer of others ..but isn’t it a far larger mix than anywhere on earth?
Given that, is what we experience any different because it’s happening in the United States of America … than if it were happening anywhere equivalent in the world..?
Is it not simply Humanity, rather than America?
@SeaGreenEyez Does not the opportunity for discrimination in ‘America’ lead to more? There are ethnic ‘brothers’ fighting each other around the world ...without a discernible DNA difference … is that what you mean by “may exist” in other countries..?
Over here, with copious amounts of ethnic diversity, and the most invasive media I’m aware of ...is it any different than it would be given equivalent conditions in a different location? I think it’s human nature, not desire, nor America.
Look at that list of countries unwelcoming others outside their nationality! Dog Damn! Seems to tell it all… And we’re expected to have moved beyond that, by words or aspirations..? I think ‘we’ were founded on the ideal of equal opportunity, not ethnic equality. ‘ell, slavery makes that pretty clear..
Actually, within my lifetime racism has suffered tremendous setbacks in America (the USA). A half-black president is surely proof of that! What we’re experiencing now is the result of purposefully divisive politics, partially a backlash to said president (the greatest of my lifetime). It was a well-funded motivator that barely worked … though handed total power to a political party now representing near pure evil..
They’d won on guns, lost on gays … and are still battling over ‘god,’ but currently using race division to motivate their base. What’s tragic is the small percentage of ‘Americans’ (US Citizens) they actually represent.. ..I take that back - the tragedy is how many ‘Americans’ they govern.
...thanks for the links ..though I can find that stuff myself, if in doubt. I wanted to run this by you, you are impressive ~
Racism defines USA since 1450 with Vatican decrees to "discover" conquer and enslave non xian non whites globally AND HAS NOT changed even Ruth Bader Ginzburg defends white property rights against Native Americans to buy back their stolen land
I wonder if the guard was ordered into therapy by his employer to manufacture legal defenses for the company and the guard.....??.....If you ever walk into Social Security offices all have armed guards subcontractors not federal employees....when cops murder somebody they are offered chaplains and/or psychotherapy which is often faith based .....Social Security offices have signs reading no weapons allowed and some are in federal courthouse/buildings with metal detectors but uniform police are usually exempt from removing all metal from their uniform handcuffs bullets badge rank insignia belt buckle taser mace kevlar vests body cameras and radio transmitters