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Rules about self promotion?

Hi! New here. Im a geek with some geeky content, like videos, etc. I don't wanna step into anyones toes, so I was wondering what are the rules (either official or socially constructed) about sharing ones own media? I figure its better ask before upseting someone

Edu_0 4 July 17

Enjoy being online again!

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There are a lot of groups within our ranks . I'd suggest you join the groups that interest you . For instance , I do believe there is a geek group and a book group , you might be interested in joining . But you should check the list and choose the ones that interest you .


Unless an admin takes your stuff personal and you fight back, fair play people will be honest with your posts.....unfair creeps might strike without warning


Howdy and welcome here.


As long as it is something you think is worth sharing and that members would like to see I can't see any issue with that. I don't see how content such as videos you've made that express your ideas and opinions are any different than written posts of the same nature. Of course it goes without saying that they are not hateful, racist, etc. Apart from that share it up!

Gawd Level 5 Oct 7, 2019

I don't have any problems with it, unless it's something really gross and disgusting! Nobody here is going to call out the firing squad on you, even if they do barf all over your stuff. A little bit of common sense can go a very long way!


The way it works is pretty much universal.... If your are putting up something worth watching people will.... If you fuck it up people will ignore you...


If it’s in context of the site it’ll be okay. If it’s self-indulgent crap I’m sure someone will let you know!


The question is awkward and suggests you may have a hidden inflated ego. Just share it. Nobody can knock you for that.


Welcome to the asylum. Enjoy your stay.

You could start your own group after you reach Level 5 or 6. Usually doesn't take very long to get there.
My only advice is, don't be a nuisance about whatever it is.
Personally, I'm usually not interested in what other people are doing, so I tend to ignore all the links to this or that.
If people are interested, you'll see some traffic. If they aren't, you won't.
Good luck.

That is exactly what I was going to suggest


i am pretty sure there is a rule against selling stuff here, as with affiliate links, for example, but if you're sharing stuff it doesn't matter if it's yours -- promote all you want lol



Golden rule.
Think like this: "If many people start doing the same I am, would this platform be better or worse?"
If there are groups of this issue, post on the groups.
... HuE


I guess be good at it, and use critical thinking?

You're never in a host culture with the rule "don't upset someone". That is a stupid assumption, and you should drop it.

Obviously almost everyone has a problem that is going to make them sensitive, and upset at anything they don't like, so forget about anything that falls under the people-pleasing game.

Regardless of where you are, you are in a host culture of "do the right thing". Unless you want to live the life of a sensitive male, don't pursue it because your best social development is to develop as a person, be successful, win at the financial game, and go through accessions.

All of this "don't upset other people" stuff is a winner's gambit meant to detract the downtrodden from their future treasures.

If you think I'm lying, then assume otherwise and see what is always going to be there, over and over.


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