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LINK N.J. judge who cited ‘good family’ in rape case steps down - WHYY

Some good news! Good in that he can’t hurt anyone else from the bench. I’d say there were no repercussions, but he did get death threats. Which is fine by me, because sometimes that’s all the punishment a person will get.

altschmerz 9 July 18

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We had one of these too, Judge James Pickles (1925-2010), a man who when giving a lenient sentence to a rapist described him as a "Decent chap" who had not raped anyone else for two years and sentenced the molester of a six year old girl to a period of probation because his decent family would keep an eye on him, and sent a ten month old baby to prison with it's mother so the child would not be a burden on the state.
He went to work for the semi pornographic "news" paper the Daily Sport after being asked to retire, passing hypothetical and usually ludicrous sentences on cases of the day.


Good riddance to bad trash.


At least he's gone.

A few days too late!


He's stepping down at age 69, probably with a fat retirement package courtesy of the taxpayers. I'd like to see these these heartless, biased judges held accountable for the pain they've inflicted on the victims. If a few judges get to experience being a defendant in the courtroom along with a hefty financial penalty for pain and suffering they've caused, maybe other judges will think twice before handing down these asinine decisions. I think the judge who didn't want to ruin Brock Turner's life should also face the same scrutiny as these NY judges.

dkp93 Level 8 July 19, 2019

@altschmerz So he's enjoying a lovely early retirement off the radar with government benefits. How nice for him. I'm sure he doesn't worry one bit about the crime victims he re-victimized in his court room.


Glad he’s of the bench. That was really appalling.

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