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LINK U.S. to pay farmers up to $16 billion for trade war losses, South to benefit

Nice that he's paying off the red state farmers for his failed tariff wars. Too bad he doesn't care to consider helping out his ultimate victims, the consumers who end up paying for the tariffs.

"The U.S. government will pay American farmers hurt by the trade war with China between $15 and $150 per acre in an aid package totaling $16 billion, officials said on Thursday, with farmers in the South poised to see higher rates than in the Midwest.

The assistance, starting in mid-to-late August, follows Republican President Donald Trump’s $12 billion package last year that was aimed at making up for lower farm good prices and lost sales.

U.S. farmers, a key Trump constituency, have been among the hardest hit in the year-long trade war between the world’s two largest economies. Shipments of soybeans, the most valuable U.S. farm export, to top buyer China sank to a 16-year low in 2018.

Democrats criticized the move, saying farmers needed fair trade instead of a bailout. Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue argued that U.S. farmers were disproportionately hurt by the trade dispute and that the new round of aid was justified."

jerry99 8 July 26

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I was going to make a sarcastic response about how we are "winning" and "China is paying the tarriffs that are being given to the farmers as subsidies" but I don't have the energy anymore.

Just link to Cheeto's twitter feed.

@jerry99 unfortunately I enjoy what is left of my sanity... mostly. 🙂


We subsidize so much big business in this country and yet good healthcare for all is not affordable. We do not have a 2 party system, we have a single party - big business.

Wrong to think the Dems are the same as the Repubs. Just look at the bills passed in the Dem House and blocked in the Repub Senate.

@jerry99 HAHAHAHAHA isn't that the point? Good guy/bad guy scenario - I know so young yet so jaded 🙂. Just look at who voted for the recent budget, even AOC. There is no 2 party system all are dancing at the end of theirs strings and the strings are held by big corporate and the wealthy.


Yes, but it is only the big farms ie big business who will truly benefit.

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