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As the saying goes "if the only tool yo have is a hammer everything looks like a nail."


Of course. I know that to be true. and anyone who says otherwise is a liar. When I was in the Army, firing an M-1, BAR, or machine gun gave a real rush and sense of macho power. That is one of the reasons I will never own a pistol. I might find myself in a situation in which I would be tempted to use it.

I don't own a pistol for the exact same reason.


If our ancestors had never fabricated weapons, and taken up hunting, we would either be extinct, or still be living in the trees!

No shit. Nice dodge, though, since the study focused on guns meant specifically to be used on other people instead of hunting or sport shooting.


Oddly, the fact that gun owner ship and gun wielding is a choice for Americans, also contributes to gun violence.

Woah woah woah there. No study has ever shown that. Thats why the government has been prevented from studying it, but still. Facts are facts.

@1of5 "do people who are willing to seek out and pay for guns and concealed carry, actually want to use guns more than people who dont?". Such a mystery.

@MarkiusMahamius one of those mysteries we'll never know the answer too.

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