I would not say I am PRO ABORTION. There's this endless debate about the time frame short term late term. clearly no one has an abortion at 7 8 9 months, that's completely absurd. It's still the woman's choice, the woman's body no ifs ands or buts. if anything there should be a cap on WHEN but there are exceptions. if moms life is in jeopardy. this will always be a slippery slope. MOre woman should be the ones making these laws and regulations as would car makers making rules regarding cars because they actually build the things. why do we allow those who don;'t have the body parts to make laws regarding them? who knows their bodies better?
No man for one second would allow women to come out and say men can only used their "equiment" 3 days a week from 12 noon to 3pm and is ANY KIND OF USE..not just procreation.
the government has so many other things they should be taking care of. defense health care clean air and water keeping our citizens safe from being taken advantage of...its ridiculous
The primary factor in my belief is based on the fact that to carry a pregnancy to term is more dangerous (even life threatening) for a woman than it is to have an abortion. Because of this fact, I believe it is wrong to force a woman to take the risk to her own life or carrying to birth against her will. I consider this to be a "pro-life" view. I value the life of women who are already born than the fetus who are not yet born and may not be born alive. The risks shoudl be solely up to the woman, whose life is risked to carry to term.
pro choice and an euthanasia supporter too. none of my business is how i look at it.
I am pro choice. It's not my place to tell a women what she can do with her body.
yes we all get to choose how we wish to proceed in life [ in a good society]
I should also say that the number one issue for me even though i am a MAN, is the long line of crusty old MEN who seem hell bent on controlling a woman and her lady parts...we all know for argument sake if women were lining up shouting about laws controlling a man's parts they'd be up in arms so quick it'd make your head spin. I for one have no interest in, nor would i try or presume i have a right or the know how more than a woman to control her V-jay-jay or her body. I love it, it is awesome...it is HERS.
it took gay men 400 years to undo the xian stupidity
I am for myself pro life, but i will not hold anyone else to that standard the reason i am is extremely personal. Why would i hold my belief to someone else. My belief comes from losing a child . I can't make someone else not get abortion because my daughter died. Its a personal decision that no one but the party involved should make.
I'm pro-choice, and it's none of my business anyway.
I don't believe a tiny clump of cells is a human being.
Yes my beliefs are a determining factor because the people on the other side of this argument are of the mind that God frowns on the aborting of a pregnancy or the use of contraceptives.
Yes, I/m pro-choice. I do not believe that life is sacred. Biological life simply exists. A central tents of the stance of pro-lifers is that human life is sacred.
My only problem with this response - if you don't believe life is sacred at all, what stops you from murder or hurting another? Is that an empathic moral, and you don't believe that a cluster of cells that cannot survive independently of the host is a life?