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A.G.Jeff Sessions fired Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe just two days before McCabes retirement.

Read McCabes statement. Sessions is just another criminally-minded Trump puppet, imo. This and everything they've done to discredit McCabe is outrageous, as is everything Trump's done in office since day one.

SACatWalker 8 Mar 16

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I feel we're missing the big picture when we look to elect HRC and other nationalDNV candidates. We need locale grass roots changes. School boards that will keep religious organizations out of school. Make sure education educates kids to embrace science. If you look at how the RNC has taken local political positions in State government to change national politics by gerrymandering election districts and we didn't notice until it was too late. It's easy for them to organize from the pulpit. Where are we (free thinkers) able to organize large voting blocks to counter RR? We need a church of science to gather and organize.


#areyouregisteredtovote? I am using my voice, daily calls to my representatives and signing every petition to #impeach, will you?

Nena Level 6 Mar 17, 2018

I think it is not paranoia or hyperbole to say that our American democracy is under one of its greatest ever threats----that comes from our own president. Retired Four Star General Barry McCaffery, tweeted last night that he considers Donald Trump is a threat to our national security for his failure to do more than just a modest move to impose some minor sanctions to the Russias for the nerve gas attack over in the UK, the hacking of our elections, the move to stir up domestic turmoil and now---that it is clear as warned by our Dept of Homeland Security that the Russians can at any time take down critcal systems in our country like shut down our power grid, shut down conventional and NUCLEAR power plants here in the US and elsewhere, probably even being able to set off a nuclear plant meltdown, among the other things they can apparently do.


Essentially this is a Trump admission of guilt. It goes along to prove he is a spineless, loathsome, spiteful, tiny peckered, bitch. I hope they cite this in Trump's impeachment proceedings.


Yea, I'm having a hard time weighing this one out. While it can be a really shitty deal for him, I also am thinking about what part he played in the Clinton deal. Destruction of evidence, emails and devices, illegally operating national information from home on a private server. Then there's the primary election which obviously had all kinds of shenanigans going on. I'm having a real hard time feeling any sympathy for this guy. Especially knowing he's going to make a small fortune in a book or 2 sometime soon. I wonder what fake MSM he'll end up on also. All that will surely make up for his pension plan.


What an asshole. That was a really shitty thing to do. This administration has no heart.


Hopefully he will write a book and make a lot of money to help offset this royal fucking. I have a feeling there will be a bunch of books written about Trump and his circle of buddies that they are going to hate. I certainly hope so.


Something had better be done about this (I say for the umpteenth time). I hate this era in american history. Let's go, millenials, fix this shit. You seem to have a mind to.

Please stop discounting seniors...we are still a huge major demographic, we are all scared shitless of what drumpy wants for us (disease & death ASAP) and more importantly, we may not rally or march, but we VOTE!

@AnneWimsey We don't have too good of a track record so me it seems we keep doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result...I am hoping the new generation will have a new view on things...not just a vote, but a change...not option a or option b, but these options suck, we want new options. We need to think about things differently. And I don't see either of our generations doing that. And it has to be done.

@AnneWimsey Evidently not enough. Our generation really dropped the ball.

Maybe the damage we’re experiencing now is the hell we must endure before serious change? I stood with an older crowd before the last presidential election - they had it right, and voted HRC. Let’s not expect too much from our Millennials, even the children of the 60’s blew it when given the chance ...and these are their kids..

I think the drive to register high school seniors who will be eligible to vote in the midterms will help offset the aged right wing voting block who are fortunately dying off or are becoming too senile to get to the polls or remember to mail in a ballot.


Trump is the epitome of a petty jerk. We all know he did this to try screwwing McCabe out of his pension.
He was going to retire Sunday.

Trump is simply a shitty person doing yet another shitty thing striving to make this country a little shittier to live in.

@Akfishlady He was with the FBI for 22 years, I hope his credibility will hold up to the actions of an unethical moron.

Side Note There was a 4 star general on MSNBC tonight saying Donny is a threat to national security and that he is somehow involved with Putin.

Seems like an odd thing to like...but I agree, wholeheartedly. The only problem I have is that words never seem deep enough. He is everything I detest in a human being. If you told me he lived off the veal of unwed mothers, I wouldn't be vaguely surprised. But worse than that, is our congress. No one should be standing with him. No one. Anyone who does, is worse than he is.

A lot of people are saying as much as anything----this is an attack on the Mueller investigation and as I type this watching AM JOY on MSNBC---Trump officials are calling for the immediate end of the "Corrupt and Politically Motivated Mueller Investigation!"

@JohnnyThorazine I agree, Donny is doing whatever he wants whenever he wants and no one is even lifting a finger to stop him. Our three-branch system of government is long gone.

If Sessions recused himself from anything to do with the Russia investigation, why can he fire McCabe over something to do with the Russia investigation?


I truly am beginning to believe that I hate Donald Trump ,his entire Administration and his supporters more and more each day. I've gotten to a point where I will leave the room if there is a trump supporter there. If I was married to someone for decades and found out they voted for Trump ,I would dump him like a used rubber.


Its like he wants the world to know he is a massive asshole

He appears to be succeeding... and that’s his only success !!!


As a federal employee myself, this scares the crap out of me! They did this to punish him- not sure how much of his retirement will be lost, he definitely should sue! BAD ELF SESSIONS!

BarbR Level 3 Mar 16, 2018

45 is punitive and petty. Sessions is just a stooge.
If 45 survives past the midterms, I'm wondering if he'll do something completely un-Constitutional when he's faced with a democratic majority in Congress?
He's always wanted to be Emperor. He's removed enough from reality to attempt
to do something to try to make himself "President for Life". He loves what the Chinese
president did by doing the same. I wouldn't be surprised if he tried to do the same thing.

@Akfishlady Yep. And I wouldn't put it past him.

@jorj The republicans are already doing just that.

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