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What are the chances

So I just discovered the hermit across the street from us did something nice for me a couple of years ago, per his own admission; another neighbor, standing right there, had withheld the identity of the nice deed doer.
From this I discovered my eyesight is not that great, having never met him in 12 years and never been within 5 ft of the guy until last week.

For a split second I got stars in my eyes, wasn't expecting that at all. That hasn't happened in over 22 years.
I feel compelled to kill this pseudo crush due to proximity and sanity's sake, and well, fear.

My late husband and I would occasionally joke that he was the serial killer on the block, or a russian spy. He's very kind to the elderly neighbors however, snowblowing, etc for them.

Another neighbor a couple houses down has never seen him before in the 3 years she's lived here.
It's like I never knew he existed except for obnoxious use of leaf blower until last week.
The thought occurred to me to bring cookies to sleuth what might be below the surface. He's also as "web dead" as anyone can possibly be.
Doesn't appear to have visitors.

What would you do.

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Qualia 8 Mar 16

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36 comments (26 - 36)

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Sounds like beau in "To Kill a Mockingbird"

Yeah ok. Robert Duvall pretty hot back then too.


I was unable to vote as there was no option that he's just a quiet man who keeps to himself and has to contend with a nosy neighbor with an overactive imagination

well you 'splained me. Good job ....


Chase the stars.


Do something nice.


Or he could be a nice guy who just kinda keeps to himself


Your neighbor sounds a little like me.
I consider myself (as do others) as being a nice guy. I'm not antisocial because... Well, I'm here on this site. Plus I shoot the shit with people I know in person.
I'm just the type that keeps to himself. And tries to be helpful whenever I can.
(Sounds like your neighbor. To me at least)


Introvert, would bet smart well read and pretends to be grumpy but has a good heart. Just because he is secretive doesn't mean he is crazy he might just be a privat sole.


Could be he's an introvert.


Yea I'm going with introvert on this one. None of those answers apply. He does good deeds, that's a good sign. Cookies are a great idea and ice breaker. Let someone know where you are going just in case lol! You can never be too careful.


Update: So after a solid month, this week cookies & cracker candy were made, delivered in a small paper tote, with a note enclosed. The end.


Had to get this off my chest, update #2.
The conclusion is from the original list #7, and not on the list something else.
Former catholic, not a church goer (yay!) but seems to have some sort of baggage that alludes to that time period.
Without going into gorey details, it's been enlightening, my ego got stroked, but for things I won't go into that are out of my margins quirky, one of those things being extremely repressed, my search continues.
He is adorable though, and very sweet. Kind of a shame.
Curiosity sated...

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