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LINK 🔴 Why "Nice Guys" Attract W#0®€$ and Damaged Women | CRP - YouTube

Sensitivity Warning, Red Pill Coach is very blunt and raw.

Interesting observations and patterns.. I'm no longer a "nice guy" that certainly was beaten out of me in my last 20s. Rather than "playing the game" I require more than just good looks in a partner, such as a professional career, intelligence, and independence.

But throughout the series of videos I filter the rage, strong salty points of view. Rather I learn how to identify personality patterns, behaviors of your partner as identify warning signs.

Because if you don't learn to protect your self in this age and understand the social and legal contracts of today.. You will become a victim.

RobertFoley 6 Aug 4

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Oh agreed, to be clear I rarely agree with his point of view in his little soapbox essays. But I study his point of view like I study many right wing conservative video bloggers. Trying to pull out patterns and observations of their world view. While not tactful, PC or accurate to reality (from my humble point of view) Some of his "stories" I can associate to similar experiences colleagues and friends have suffered through.

While the guy's whole video series is very machismo, hateful, and bullying power centric. There are scenarios in his videos which I've witnessed both from the male and female point of view.

Ultimately if I boil down the subject matter of this guy's videos it is fear.

Fear that others will get the best of you.
Fear that others will get "ahead" of you.
Fear of being made a fool.
Fear of being screwed over from someone even more fearful or psychopathic.

Still like mindless parrots on either political divide, I listen to their point of view, even if I don't agree with it for a message. For social dynamics and then see if in my own or in my friend's lives they've interacted with people whom seem to exhibit these behaviors.

See what they do, not what they say.

It is simply a reminder to learn for the warning signs of the damaged of both sexes.

I disagree with the idea that we should be protected from the harsh, selfish, and "morally wrong" aspects of reality. This exposure is not to influence and mold us into being like such people. But rather to prepare us to learn to identify when someone is bad news.

Again, I don't agree with this guy's rules of engagement in using women (or your partner) like an object nor belittling their intelligence and treating them like a sub-human sex toy. But, he can tell stories from his point of view of people on both sides of the relationship who are damaging to your finances, career, relationships, and ultimately your heart and who you are as a person.

Some of the stories he teaches I wish I knew in my early 20s.. it would have taught me to steer clear of what was then self destructive trouble.


Total Bullshit we nice guys are ignored by all women they want the bad boys


I don't watch anything that refers to women as whores or damaged...

@Veteran229 no, it's people who lie, steal, cheat, and are damaged.. not just women... And there are far more men in American prisons than women.. what's that say about men?

@Veteran229 my point still stands . It's people, not just women...

@Veteran229 and men are all angels? Knock it off with the nonsense... Maybe women aren't held accountable because they're smarter?

@Veteran229 you got that right... ! Men aren't complex, they're simple... It's difficult for them to fully understand complex issues.. They just like to blame women... It's easier that way... And if you look at the ops reply to his own post, he doesn't even agree with it... You are so obtuse...

@Veteran229 hogwash...

@Veteran229 so I suppose all these single moms, raising their sons, alone, do so by choice.. The fathers didn't leave them, the women threw them out, right? None of these fathers had a choice... It's not like they could go to court and get regular visitation with their sons... Right? It's all the woman's fault... Get real...

@Veteran229 you're a little mixed up here.. I didn't say fault didn't matter, you said that... In your attempt to twist things around.. Haha
If a man wants visitation, he doesn't need money or an attorney.. He needs to get off his ass and file with family court.. It's free... And if he needs an attorney, the legal aid society is available also free... No fault divorce has nothing to do with children... Stop the distractiony techniques Mr. Mini trumpet... Haha

@Veteran229 an attorney is a , in fact, a mediator... Are you high? Do you even know what a mediator is? It's another name for lawyer.. Lol

@Veteran229 divorce, of any type, addresses the separation of husband and wife... Nothing to do with children... Stop it lol. You are lacking in basic English...

@Veteran229 and, I've volunteered at community centers for many years, serving men and women, of all ages... So I know what's going on... More women come in to exercise their rights than men... I can't even remember the last guy that came in looking for help.. It's really sad statement about men in this day and age... I suggest you volunteer for just a week.. But you won't..

@Veteran229 only a moronic man would think a women's shelter would take them in! Are you nuts?! I see you have no regular nonsense to spew here so you are resorting to total insanity lol


This guy is right about one thing: he is an asshole.

skado Level 9 Aug 4, 2019

Yeah.. sure comes across that way. I wonder though if this is his "selling persona".

@bigpawbullets selling persona? What does that mean? An advertising gimmick? To exhibit women in the worst possible light for ratings? Please explain... 😞

Yes. Your analysis is, in my opinion. Accurate. He's playing to a specific audience.

@bigpawbullets and do you think that's okay? Along with the crap that veteran is spewing here? Blaming women for the faults of others?

I believe he has every right to post it.
In my experience, now, I've not "dated" in a looong time.... there are elements of truth in some things he said in part of the video. But it most certaintly does not apply to all women, or men. I think definitions of some terminology has morphed over the decades. I'd wager that I'm not understanding some of his comments due to that.

@bigpawbullets oh yeah, please elaborate on those elements of Truth please... I'm really interested...

I think can safely say that SOME men are assholes. SOME men are easily manipulated. SOME women are manipulators. But certaintly not all. And people change throughout their lives. So it's a hugely fluid situation. The generalities stated are grossly exaggerated.

@bigpawbullets ok, that's certainly acceptable... He doesn't seem to even consider that...


Without watching the video (because I have no intention of endorsing someone who talks about women this way) I will say that men who brand themselves “nice guys” are usually not nice at all. Rather the men who complain that women “don’t like nice guys” are usually men who believe that being polite entitles them to attention/love/sex from women.

'Nice' is a strategy, not a character trait.

Nope by nice guys I mean those who respect women don't feel entitled to sex we do exist just i in ignored we are the lets be friends

@bobwjr so what’s wrong with that? If you actually respect someone as a person that they want to be friends with you?

@A2Jennifer but not as a potential partner or lover you get lonely sometimes

@Veteran229 you're a parrot haha think for yourself once in a while

@Veteran229 you just described exactly what I am talking about. The idea that being “a nice guy” means that you “should” get women or the woman you want. but instead are unfairly relegated to “the friend zone.”
“nice guys” feel that you are not rightfully rewarded for being “not a terrible human being,” even if you are “not a terrible human being” mostly because you feel that entitles you to something. That women must not like “nice guys” when hey maybe they just don’t like YOU. Or maybe they’d rather be with a guy who’s upfront about just wanting them for sex than one who pretends to be a friend with exactly the same amount of genuine concern for them.

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