This message from men floors me. "What does he want to know?" I wonder. My personal history? The onus is on me to entertain him.
Yesterday I got that message from a man in Germany. "I suggest you focus on women in Germany," I replied.
Reminds me of my mother. "How are you really?" Mom repeatedly asked. Because I was born prematurely, Mom saw me as delicate, even as an adult.
"What do you want, my bowel movements?" I replied, amused, to sidestep the question.
yes ask them what hey would like to know because more than likely they will be at a loss of what to ask you and a good come back I will tell you when the time is right if we get that far
My favorite comeback is from George Carlin. "Hey, how are u today?" is the lamest message I get from too many guys.
"Not unwell, thank you," I reply. crickets
With a reply like that it does not lead into an answer to continue the conversation along those lines ,so he must change the subject
A question like that is usually followed by several questions, what makes you laugh etc. in general romantic type questions to promote romantic thoughts?