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LINK Lesbian Gets Nasty Letter from MS Pastor, Kicking Her Out of His Baptist Church | Hemant Mehta | Friendly Atheist | Patheos

She and her partner had already left the conservative church where they met... The church decided they wanted to make it OFFICIAL a year later.

No 'Love Thy Neighbor' from their previous church!

DGJ0114 7 Aug 18

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Its very business like ... almost as fornal as getting kicked out of a golf club for having sex with the captains wife


What a strange land you all bide in. The church across the road from me officiates ALL weddings and has for at least the last 17 years. Seriously CofE needs everyone they can get. Hence they have TVs during the world cup and serve beers....I cannot imagine them turning anyone straight or whatever!


Aaaannndd another nail smacked into the coffin of christianity...

No one needs to "attack" the religion. Members are doing a fine job of killing it themselves!

Zster Level 8 Aug 18, 2019

I grew up around Southern Baptists in Kentucky. Truly a very racist belief system and a huge sense of superiority over all other religions. This does not surprise me in the least.


For me, I would enlarge the size of this photo, print it and send it as a response to the arrogant prick.


You know where you can stick that letter.


Yes the letter was very much in the manner of being unnecessary but truly tasteless especially for god-fearing christians.


Assholes. Such garbage.

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