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Thanks. I lived in Houston for 8 years, and I'm a member of CFI. Glad to see them take this on. CFI does some great things.


Texas, home of the Radical Right Kkkristian Al-Queda..smh.


It's Texas main bible belt state reason left here years ago

bobwjr Level 10 Aug 21, 2019

Well ... Texas law is trying to make seculars less than equal to the religious in regard to marriage ceremonies, as if the non-religious are less than human, and as if seculars stereotypically don't value the solemnity of a marriage ceremony. I think the states that have tried to make such laws, probably never learned that America was formed in order to have separation of church and state. Those ignorant religious bastards.


I am of the opinion any ruling, standard operating procedure or favoritism shown Christians over anyone not of their belief is just like Sharia Law in the Muslim faith. At least the Christians are not putting folks to death, yet.
If it can be pointed out how this is different than Sharia Law please enlighten me.
Forcing people not of your belief or faith to not be able to have an abortion, marry how you wish, openly question faith/God, etc. and not be stunned, fired or ostracized is no different than edicts under sharia law. just my opinion


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