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This has been documentary weekend. Not sure how I got from the Russian Gulag to sand mining in WIsconsin. I am learning more about the impact of fracking. Here it is about taking precious water for the fracking process then polluting what is left for us to drink. TOday I learned about sand mines in Wisconsin and Minnesota. It seems it is more catastrophic than pit mines of what ever type. We gotta get off the oil

btroje 9 Mar 18

Enjoy being online again!

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The world needs energy to survive. I personally hope that people will open their minds and research the the newer LFT reactors, or Thorium reactors. They have very little waste, they are extremely safe, and could provide base line power for many centuries. We have had the working tecnology since the 60's, but oil and other groups have lobbied against it.


Fracking is about natural gas tho. Have you seen the documentary Gasland?
This is one thing that puts me off the idea of moving out in the middle of nowhere or to a small town. If our country can't care about a cities water like the size of Flint what hope does anyone have in a smaller town.

none Why do you make the distinction about natural gas?

@btroje that was what the doc was about. A company offered Josh Fox a lot of money to lease his property to frack on.

@Qualia just confused by the worg 'tho'


My awareness to this, and other related issues, came up during Standing Rock. Since then, I've been watching much more attentively to what's going on.

and did you see the spill a few months ago? I remember learning about mineral rights when I lived in KY and how the locals there were at the mercy of the big mines. It seems now big energy doesnt limit itself to impoverished tucked away places any more

I know and the problems cover so many things, oil, gas, fracking, water, pollution. Where do you start?


fracking also damages the aquifers, as i understand. it is an incredibly invasive way of squeezing the last drop out of the earth.

4 years ago our little community achieved a huge success, when months of protecting a planned fracking site resulted in a withdrawal of the company. i was living with a chain & lock on my left hand, just in case we had to stop the machinery from entering.

good for you!

@btroje, & especially for our mother earth; that's who i do it for ❤


We have too much interference in our (ha) government from the oil companies. We might as well be the United States of Chevron.


We'll never get off of it with this administration.

@VictoriaNotes I'd never lie to you. 😉


I really hate frackers....
Especially here in W.Pa.

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