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Do you desire monogamy? Is it something you search for? Is it a personal choice? Are there building blocks to monogamy or is it a building block to, say, polygamous relationships?

ashortbeauty 8 Mar 18

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Iwould never want anything other than a monogomous relationship.


I totally desire Monogamy, if i can't have that in a Realtionship that ,we can't be involved . Im a touchy feely type of person when with a woman, so totally no affection or Monogamy wouldn't ever work out


I like the idea of monogamy. Ideally, I would like to give someone all of my attention, and have them give me all of theirs. The idea of being in a relationship that lasts over the years is appealing: knowing that other person would always be there.

Of course, at my age that is almost flat out impossible.


I think we should date established couples


I just recently started a relationship with someone, and after just a few weeks, she told me she may be sending me to the friend zone and she cheated on me with another guy. She said it wasn't supposed to happen and she had told this guy she wasn't interested in him that way, but it ended up that way. I have always believed that if you are with someone, just dating, or in a commited relationship you should always be monogamus. If you just want to be friends with benefits, say so. I personally like the benefits, but I prefer some kind of emotional connection before the benefits part. It makes the sex much better


Monogamy is the only way to go fir me. I wouldn’t be able to share my woman with anyone else.


I'm not ambitious enough to even consider multiple partners.


Its personal choice but you should always be honest right from the start what ever you do.


On some levels, yes. But when it happens, I find it rather restrictive. I was with one guy who wanted to go monogamous from day one of dating. I stuck with the arrangement. I didn't so much miss seeing other people as the thrill of the chase (or the thrill of being chased.)

It might be different if cohabiting and having sex reasonably often. But when I'm on my own and 'in that mood', a bit of online flirting often scratches the itch.


I would rather an open or polygamous setup then cheating in a supposed monogamous one.
I am old now, I do have some lady friends who want to grow old with me in a non sexual arrangement. A couple know each other, I guess they consider me one of the girls, none of them are at all interested in sex with me or anybody else. Hence, I am not moving in that direction just yet.


Love is not pie. I won't run out. No one person has yet met all my needs. Nor have I ever been the one to meet all her needs. I am in deep, intimate, loving relationships with more than one person, and they with others. We are all very happy with the arrangement.


I try not to seek it but to build a strong trustworthy, loving relationship would be alright. Til then I'm on the rental market 😉.


I think we (mostly Americans) have had it so ingrained into our psyche that monogamy is "normal" by the Christian religion, that polyamory has a negative and abnormal aura about it for many people. I have never been in a polyamorous relationship and don't know if it would work for me or not. I think if everyone entered into such an arrangement with full honesty and openness and old prejudices didn't enter into the mix causing jealousy and creating other complications, it could work.


After over 2000 years of monogamy being idealized, and still over 70% of peopel admit that they have cheated. I think that humans are animals, and by our naure we are nto generaly wholly monogamous. But, that does nto mean it is not something to strive for.

I think in a relationship, whether monogamous or not,more important is the need to be hoenst with each other. If you talk to divorced persons, it usually isn't the cheating itself, but the lies about the cheatign which really made the partner feel betrayed and caused the end of hte relationship.

So, if you want to try for monogamy, it is best to look at thing srealistically, that it is unlikely. You cna agree to try, but shoudl also agree to be honest if one (or both) of you isn't. Wtih honesty your changes or remainign together are far better.

In polyamy too, it is also best to always be honest with our partner(s) if you want and expect things to last.


I will not be in anything but open or poly relationships, and marriage is out of the question. Which leaves me here:

Monogamy? No.
Polygamy? No.
Ethical non-monogamy? Yes.
Polyamory? Yes


Monogamy is an admirable goal. I personally do not expect it because I do not anticipate owning or be owned by another person. I expect devotion and love when we are together. That's it.


I’m looking for monogamy. I’m a one person at a time kinda girl. I want to be that persons everything and he in return would be mine. We will give 100% of ourselves all of the time. It may unfortunately not work out. We can only hope our love can last forever, if we are happy, but you can’t force love. It either works for you both or it doesn’t.
I’ve never cheated on anyone. I’d rather realize and discuss the breakdown if it ever got to the point that something was lacking and I was tempted to look elsewhere to fulfill a void.
I have been cheated on but then it’s time to move on.
Could it be an age thing in wanting monogamy?
I think there’s a lot of power when 2 matched souls come together, add another person to the mix and it feels like it would diminish and complicate the feelings of being one complete couple.
Each to their own.
These are just my thoughts on this interesting conversation.

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