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LINK Transgender barista fired after she refused to serve an anti-LGBTQ activist / LGBTQ Nation

She was 'humiliated' when she was refused service, but she's advocated for businesses to have the right to turn away LGBTQ people.

Evidently, it turns out that it is the anti-LGBT persons who think they are entitled to "special rights".

snytiger6 9 Sep 18

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Oh, I'd have served her..."you want cream in your coffee?"


I understand the barista's feelings about not wanting to serve the bigot. However, that does not mean that what the barista did was right. It is wrong (and bad business practice) for a business to 'not' serve customers (unless the customer is doing something illegal or had been previously banned.... then the police should be called). I feel sad that the barista lost their job, but if you treat customers poorly, that is what happens. When you work in a customer service job, you have to serve the public and you are not always going to like everyone. It would have been better for the barista to show their professionalism instead of stooping to how the bigots want to (and do) act. I dearly hope the bigot learned a lesson about how LGBTQ people are made to feel when they are treated poorly.

I think the point was to put the shoe on the other foot. Usually it is hte bigots who refuse to serve the LGBT community. In either case it isnt' right, but she did make the point that to refuse service is both offensive and demeaning.

@snytiger6 Yes. Sometimes turning the tables illustrates the point. Like the Satanists trying to put up a Baphomet statue to get equal treatment with a Ten Commandments monument. I hope the barista finds another job quickly.


Good for her

bobwjr Level 10 Sep 18, 2019

She is standing up to racist, bigoted jerks. Bravo!


nah, its the business owners that have special rights. workers have no rights.

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