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Why are profile pix loading wrong?

Ive been seeing this for a few weeks. This happens in the forums and in groups. The profile picture next to someones name, won't be their picture, itll be another user. The problem usually corrects if i refresh the page, but not always. Using the chrome browser on a samsung tablet. See screen shot.

MarkiusMahamius 7 Sep 20

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A glitch? Here? I'm stunned.

1of5 Level 8 Sep 20, 2019

This also happens on PC (Windows 7) and (Windows 10) - as well as Kindle and my phone app (Tracfone). I've noticed it for many months.

Reloading hasn't helped me - sometimes sneaking towards the photo from another direction works.
Or simply double clicking on the photo you want to access.

Hovering however - you almost always get the wrong member.

If I really want to look at the member profile I enter the member name in the search bar.

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