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LINK FOX News Panel: Liberals Are “Worshipping the Environment” Instead of God | David Gee | Friendly Atheist | Patheos

What a smug lil moron!

Climate change is based on evidence, religion is based on belief...

DGJ0114 7 Sep 23

Enjoy being online again!

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Yeah? I kinda of like "air".


Either that or they wish to maintain an environment that supports life as opposed to living a fantasy.


FOX Propaganda… 24/7.. A relatively new phenomenon. It’s like the Nazi Propaganda (Channel) of hitler’s day, only his had full power. In the USA, our version still has some competition from real news.. The Fairness Doctrine needs returned -- the end of FOX & Hate Radio ~

Varn Level 8 Sep 23, 2019

Amazing they can speak at all, delusional wack jobs

bobwjr Level 10 Sep 23, 2019

And... fox news reporters are speaking on TV instead of getting mental help.


I don't worship anything; but, at least I know there is an environment to care about.

Okay, maybe I worship chocolate...just a little 🍫

I think we've just become the very best of friends.

Chocolate is awesome

And Beer with Monty Python.


It does seem odd that the same people who claim to worship a being that created our planet also think that destroying it is just fine. It supports my belief that the majority of religious people know it’s all a scam to control others and don’t believe this crap any more than we do.

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