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LINK Australia Cuts 80% of Plastic Bag Use in 3 Short Months - EcoWatch

I need to do better with this. I carry about a dozen or more reusable shopping bags in my car, in the FRONT passenger seat no less, and frequently forget to take them into the store. And at least half of my bags are home made, over 10 years old, still in great shape.

HippieChick58 9 Sep 29

Enjoy being online again!

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This post made me feel bad about the plastic bag full of plastic bags I have for whatever reason. I acquired it as an adult. When I go grocery shopping I don't really think about it.

Once I swerved to miss a turtle on the road though so, I'm helping!

I reuse the plastic bags to bundle up the used kitty litter to toss it in the trash can. I need a better way to recycle the kitty litter.


When I get in the store and realize I've forgotten my bags I just put the purchases back in the cart and load the bags at the car. If I'm going to have a large load of groceries I just go back to the car. Force yourself to do this a couple of times and you WILL start remembering to bring the bags (almost called 'em f-in' bags🙂 )


Not too bad for a country that was not invited to the climate conference because of their terrible track record on environmental issues. Australia's coal production is one of the biggest in the world. Man made droughts due to water allocation. Governmental policy based on climate deniers and big business. Australia is not what it used to be...ahead of the curve.


I did make it a point to carry my bags into the grocery store today.



bobwjr Level 10 Sep 29, 2019

I have used reusable bags for years even at retail. If I forget to take them into the supermarket, I just have the clerk put my purchases back in a buggy and then I bag them when I get to the car.

If I buy a retail purchase that I carried up to the counter, I am then sure I can carry it to my car without a bag as long as I have the receipt in my hand.

I am trying to get rid of plastic wrap as well so I bought some silicone Lids that fit on almost everything. I am extremely proud that I did not buy any of the quart freezer bags on sale at the grocery store last night.

It is really not any inconvenience to do the right thing but that's a hard sell to people who are not used to even thinking about their actions.


Unfortunately, it often comes down to individuals who are not willing to make any sacrifice or even pay a little to get the right thing done. Notice the ban is on grocery bags. What will happen to the bags for vegs, bulk items and such? I acquired some tight knitted, light weight bags for this but only use them for dry bulk items.


They have been charging here in Northern Ireland for supplying plastic bags for some years now...I think it’s 10p each, but it’s such a long time since I needed one, I’m not actually sure. I’ve got a collection of bags for life which I keep in the boot of my car for any shopping trips. I don’t have any statistics but I’m sure we must have cut our usage considerably.

Like everything else, change is, at first, always hard. Later it becomes second nature. I have so many heavy duty bags not one of which I paid for (all donations from various groups). Now, even our stores have a sign out front to remind people to bring their bags and one store here even has a bin with extra cloth bags.

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