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T-Shirt Design

A shirt that says
“Don't assume my religion”
Yay or nay?
Brace for trolls

Side note I can make t-shirts and Ive debated making this for months.

  • 34 votes
  • 27 votes
  • 17 votes
Swordsmith 5 Oct 7

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36 comments (26 - 36)

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does not excite me - keep workshopping ideas


I like it because it’s vague enough to pique interest. Many inevitably will ask about it, which will lead to conversation.

kdmom Level 6 June 30, 2020

Limited creativity.


I like it. It can be a conversation starter for those open-minded enough to ask about it.


Why not just the old: Assume makes an ass out of u and me


I voted Yay simply because voting Nay seemed to be more taking the decision out of your own hands - what I would have prefered was an 'It's your choice' option.


Seems a bit confrontive; how about-
Agnostic; sceptic who only believes what can be proven.


Why not put the 4 agreements on a Shirt with Agreement #3 Blown up? "Don't make assumptions. ”Find the courage to ask questions and to express what you really want."


For the record, I'm fine with the 'Go Shirtless' option as well... as long as you don't have some offensive tats or something.. 😁😎👍

What’s offensive?

@Bobsuruncle wasn’t sure if you meant all tattoos are offensive

@Marcie1974 Here you go.. []

@Captain_Feelgood those are inappropriate! 😅😂🤣


Foot loose and religion free
You're assuming I'm human. Excellent.
There are no shoes like issues
Religion lacks imagination
Some people are hard as nails, I'm the consistency of veal
Luck Favors the Bold but Awesome favors the Italic


Nay, it is ok to get help if you cannot think of a better one

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