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LINK US experiencing most cases of gonorrhoea, chlamydia and syphilis in recorded history, new CDC report says

When Sex Ed and Planned Parenthood are demonized this is what happens!!

HippieChick58 9 Oct 11

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I'm not currently in the game, but I imagine older folks (like me) tend to think STDs aren't a threat to people who almost never have sex.

"Almost never", except that, every time, you are contacting everyone who has ever contacted your partner

@AnneWimsey well, for me, "almost never" means "not since 2002"

@BitFlipper ha! I win! Not since pretty much forever......


Sex education is lacking. Condoms could have prevented so much of this. Why do people not use condoms? I just don't get it

@ToolGuy No I am not 🙂. But even if I was I would not want to risk getting an infection


In addition, Women Over 60 are the fastest-growing group of newly-diagnosed HIV-positives, have been for over a decade now! (Beating out every other female demographic!)

back when I was young and stupid we never worried about using condoms except for birth control. I was on the pill so I almost never used them. I know now I was incredibly lucky but I still had those habits after my marriage ended. And my luck held. As I haven't had any chances lately to test my luck that might be a good thing.

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