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How can we make universal healthcare happen?

Canada does it, why can't we? I got a raise and now have the choice of paying 8800 or 6600 a year to healthcare. Im "lucky" my job paid into it or my cost would be double. Either way 20 percent required for a surgery. If a family member needed surgery I think I would have to quit my job so we could get medicaid. I would not have the 20 percent today to pay upfront. It is savage this system of ours. And we are giving tax cuts to billionaires. Zuckerberg says hey at least the government isnt controlling all our money but he isnt paying everyones medical bills..and handout my ass. Try living without the person that takes out your trash for a couple of weeks. Some people say vote for Bernie and I will if he is on the ticket when the time comes. Its not enough. Bernie could get sick or die or not be elected like last time. There needs more momentum behind this movement. More people may need to come out of denial. If you don't agree tell me why, because I want to understand the reasoning

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thinkwithme 7 Oct 13

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There’s enough money to make a lot of people healthier. I voted no because there’s not enough money to fix all of Ma and Pa Nature’s mistakes.


Vote Democrat ~

Varn Level 8 Oct 13, 2019

The USA could have a universal healthcare syatem, but could not be based around free market provision.
The whole world needs a new healthcare system .. from drugs development manufacture and distribution to hospitals providing diagnosis, surgery, etc, right through to social care for elderly and disabled people, and all the other bits that need to be built on.

Too many multinational companies thrive on perpetual illness rather than prevention and cures ... the whole system needs a rethink

American capitalism is ok with curing diseases; it’s not ok preventing them.


Bernie bill is worse than the current law = welfare for all the insurance CEOs

0 work now for Howie in all 50 states Presidential Matching Funds
....blueREDS = redBLUES duopoly is bribed by the big 16 killer insurance CEOs since 2003 and bribed Mittless Romney in 2008 for the Massachusetts model = ObushaCare forced upon us now....Alan Grayson introduced a 4 page bill reducing the Medicare age to 18 but only got 94 sponsors Conyers Kucinich had 96 ....lobbyists bribe Congress to keep us in this mess @HowieHawkinss20 @H'20 for the real Green New Deal of 2006


We will all get the health care we deserve when we vote for those who will make sure it happens. The United States is the richest country on the planet and we can afford it, all we have to do is get past the bullshit that tells us we are not worth it. All we have to do is make sure people are worth more than the money it takes to provide for everyone. We just gave a trillion and a half dollars to the rich, we can take that back have them add another trillion and a half to this for the trouble and we will all be better off.

@ToolGuy Great comment, I totally agree.


Got paint in my eye yesterday and went to an immediate care place. They flushed it and made sure the pH was normal. That means they used gloves, some saline solution, a couple of pH sticks, some wipes, and some paper on the examination table. Not many resources, but I'm expecting a large bill and copay. It was just paint in/around my damn eye. Ugh.

Hopefully the eye is ok!!

Thanks! Good to go. Was back painting 2 hours later 😉


It should and can be done. The UK took two years to build the National Health Service from the universal war healthcare system. The USA would take a lot longer to build a similar system at the moment, as of course healthcare is far more complex than in 1948.
So, admit the USA need it - if only so the rest of the world stops laughing at you.
Sell the idea of social taxation, including the reasoning behind why it would be great for America. Get people to feel proud about paying for 'The American Health Service'. Make it the best that there is.
Begin with linking it to the Constitution - fair treatment under the law.
Federal assistance to pay health bills at first. Then add a State top up based on the rebate they get. After around a decade, begin to federalise some hospitals and after about five decades the whole system.

The US already has Medicare/aid and the VA, so we won't be starting from nothing.

We only need to reframe it as a measure of independence. Very few people object to paying taxes for our intestate highways.

@ToolGuy I'm a Social Scientist, so I can't help but think through methods.

@ToolGuy NAZI Germany had a National Health Service before the UK.


Elect Elizabeth Warren!

I truly respect Ms Warren, but the more I read about the differences between her and Bernie’s positions, I feel like her views of capitalism won’t bring about the changes the world needs.
Bernie may not be the messenger, but I believe he has the message that the world needs.


Elect a Progressive Democrat....Bernie or Warren....

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