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Sandy Hook father to receive $450,000 from conspiracy therorist

Good news!

"A judge had ruled in June that James Fetzer, co-author of the book "Nobody Died at Sandy Hook," had defamed Leonard Pozner, father of Noah, 6, the youngest victim of the December 2012 mass shooting, by falsely claiming that Pozner had fabricated copies of his son's death certificate.

"The book's co-author, Mike Palacek, reached an undisclosed settlement with Pozner last month.

"Pozner has devoted years to quelling hoaxers who have harassed him and has said he has received death threats over their claims that he is a crisis actor and that his son was never real."

"To push back against deniers, he has released Noah's birth certificate, medical records and report cards to the public and has had DNA samples taken to prove Noah is his son.

"He and the families of seven other Sandy Hook victims are also pursuing legal action against Infowars owner Alex Jones, who has disseminated similar false claims about the shooting, which left 20 first-graders and six staff members dead."


LiterateHiker 9 Oct 17

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Great. Now all that needs to be done is get Alex Jones and a few others who started and pushed this fallacy all for monetary gain, and possibly we can shut the mouths of few political liars. It is doubtful however because I saw Jones on a program where he claimed he has learned his lesson, then Jones and the other man both went off the deep end talking about germ-like creatures that enter your mind and take you over. I think they were supposed to be from outer space.

As for the so-called "crisis actors" the biggest one is in the White House now. I'm sure he and Jones are friends, at least privately.


Us humans are so easily leed this days and we do not question or seek out other sources to see if info is actually true or not very naive lot of us which in turn makes us fodder for those who want to exploit false hoods

The old adage "I read it in the paper, it must be true " is as wrong today as it was 200 years ago.


He was awarded 450k. He will likely recieve far far less. Level setting, don't jump to conclusions about what legal terms actually mean


Good, maybe monetary repercussions will stop or stall these morons from spewing toxic shit to the public, believed only by other deeply disturbed people, which can exacerbate their illness.


How could anyone be dead?

This is a barren planet..... Right? 🤡


Perfect saw that

bobwjr Level 10 Oct 17, 2019
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