This is a very thought-provoking cartoon about mercy killing in the name of God as being acceptable.
The Divine Command Theory says that whatever God commands is moral. So, if God commands that someone should be killed, believers must kill them to be moral. The theory would imply that abstaining from the action God commands would actually be immoral. Any action no matter how heinous or vile - rape, murder, pedophilia, genocide, etc. - would be moral if commanded by God.
Christians often push back against the fact of this theory by claiming that God would never command anything that is unjust, but we only need to look into the Old Testament to find examples of horrible behavior commanded or approved of by God. The Israelites were given the 10 Commandments while wondering in the wilderness including the one against killing, but when the finally arrived the their promised land of Canaan, God commanded them to commit genocide to cleanse the land of the Canaanites.
I know, right! So sad that according to the Bible, Christians are not to think for themselves and need someone's interpretation of the Bible to guide them.
@Biblebeltskeptic Indeed. John Wycliffe caused a stir in late C14th declaring the people shouldn’t listen to the clergy and translated the Latin bible into English. So influential was he that his bones were disinterred in around 1415ish, thirty years after his death, and burned as heretical.
That is some influence to be burned for heresy post-mortem!
For 1000s of years, more people have been killed in the name of God than for any other reason. For example Religious country like US and Iraq. Are at war was over lies of weapons of mass destruction. Plus 9/11 false flag attacks that has cost tax payers over 2 trillion dollars great cost greater than the second world war cost in dollars. In revenge they have killed a 1000 to one American mostly innocent mother and Children.
Is there anything in this world that is more insane and like hell on earth, than this?