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Are Atheists racist

I ask because a couple who live in my building are rabid racists and told me so.But then they heard me tell aJehovahs Witness no thanks I am an Atheist they said "hey so are we".How do the two go together..Atheism and racism?

Gatman11 4 Oct 22

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Well... You identify as being Atheist. Are YOU a racist?


There are racist atheists
There are racist theists
There are non racist atheists
There are non racist theists

I'm don't know if there's any correlation or reason to think either one affects the probability of the other. There are many routes to each philosophy that might overlap. I've certainly seen justification for racial discrimination, attempted through religious means so might expect to see the correlation work the other way but there could be many other factors in play.


Most atheists are college educated white males. There are exceptions. No, atheists are not racist.

In America you mean?? And college educated white women are not as often atheists? 😕

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