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It is a great short film. Forgit about the religious shit.


I get it. Although it's a sad commentary on our society and our priorities, it is a true commentary and one that we need to heed. We should not neglect those that we love at any time of year, before we know it they will be gone and we will have missed out on life.



So what is good about neglecting grandfather at any other time of the year. What makes Christmas different ?


Hmm! Probably in a minority here but just feel good bollocks to me!

Rather spend Christmas alone than with those superficial arseholes!


The old man grandpa presented to died. Then tricked his entire family to come to his funeral. Then grandpa had his family show up a Christmas dinner table instead of his funeral.
Then everyone was happy.

The only way to see his family, at his age very important any one could be your last, families often forget that. He knew it could be his last

It's an unlikely scenario .. but it drives home the point that we don't see family enough.. and we could all one day be in Grandpa's shoes... I'm a sucker I guess.. . I cried my eyes out lol

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