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Baghdadi’s Death Doesn’t Mean What Trump Thinks It Does

"The ISIS leader’s killing is a moment of military triumph that the president has cheapened and politicized.

"The killing is less of a big deal because, not least, as Trump has boasted on previous occasions, ISIS had already been severely reduced in stature and was no longer such a centralized organization. Its members still carried out terrorist activities, but Baghdadi no longer directed them to the degree he once had.

" Baghdadi is less of a household name, and Trump’s repeated claims that he’d destroyed ISIS already may have blunted the killing’s political impact.

"Trump also boasted that killing Baghdadi was a bigger deal than killing bin Laden—which is to say, that Donald Trump is a bigger deal than Barack Obama."

"Not only did Trump take credit for killing Baghdadi, he reveled in the act, describing the terrorist leader as “whimpering and crying and screaming all the way” as special forces and dogs chased him to the end of a tunnel, where he detonated a suicide vest, killing himself and three of his children, dying “like a dog … like a coward.”

Finally, and most puzzling, following his announcement, Trump repeated his claim that U.S. troops control Syria’s oil fields (which is untrue) and that he might invite companies like ExxonMobil to come in and drill (which they have neither the legal right nor the remotest desire to do)."


LiterateHiker 9 Oct 27

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like your commentary on this,Trump blew it with his bragging and the details he went into,,Should have just said that he had been eleiminated in an operation and left it at that,,bringing all the women and children etc that were also killed really puts a sour taste on it


He may have cried and whimpered, but did not die a coward - he blew himself up rather than be captured, and by the sound of things, took some American service dogs with him. Terrible he murdered several of his children.
Question is, has Baghdadi become a martyr? ISIS is an idea, one which wants to overthrow and kill probably all members of this site.
In the end, Trump has brought down the seriousness of POTUS through his choice of words.


"Rep. Mac Thornberry (R-Texas) expressed unease with President Donald Trump’s graphic description of a U.S. military raid that resulted in the death of so-called Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, who Trump said was “whimpering and crying and screaming” before detonating a suicide vest that killed himself and three of his children Saturday.

“It probably makes me a little uncomfortable to hear a president talking that way, but, again, Baghdadi was the inspirational leader for an ISIS network across the world from Africa to Southeast Asia,” he told CNN’s “State of the Union.”

"Thornberry warned that the terror organization is now likely to “seek to do something to show ‘we’re still here, we’re still relevant,’ so the United States is going to be tested in the days to come.”


He is a fool and so are the people around him that allow this belligerent rhetoric. The way to get the bear to react is to poke it. And when it does it won’t be him that it affects. It will be the American people in the front line of this idiot’s warmongering.


It doesn't mean a thing. Someone will replace him and nothing will change. trump will brag about it for a long time, but most folks won't care. Most folks don't even know who Baghdadi is. Everyone knew who Bin Laden was.


He's too stupid to know what it means

bobwjr Level 10 Oct 27, 2019

Is anyone here surprised by his "chest-thumping" ?


Trump's ego is bigger than the all out doors. Not to mention clueless.

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