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America Came Together to Boo Donald Trump at the World Series

Love the conclusion!

"Trump reportedly headed out before tonight’s game was finished. It’d almost be enough to make you believe the world was headed in the right direction, if not for the fact that in a world headed anywhere near the right direction, Donald Trump would not be getting booed at the World Series, because in that world Donald Trump would not be attending the World Series, because in that world Donald Trump would never have gotten anywhere near political power.

"Unfortunately, we don’t live in that world, but after years of horrifying footage of people wildly cheering Trump’s deranged rambling at his rallies, it’s reassuring—restorative, even!—to know that the rest of the country hasn’t forgotten how to greet tyrants. Home run, America."


LiterateHiker 9 Oct 28

Enjoy being online again!

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"Lock him up!"


It warmed the cockles of my heart. 🙂 Exactly where in the heart are your cockles, and what is their function?


Happy attitude is changing




I imagine that after the killing of Al-Baghdadi, he probably thought he'd be cheered as though he had done the deed himself.



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