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Do you spend time debating your views on religion with the religious?

On my campus we often have religious zealots that come to spew hate on the plaza as well as other religious sects that stop you while you're on your way to class to try and recruit you. When people are spewing hate I never know whether or not it would be better to confront them. I don't want to turn a blind eye to their ignorance because words have power and I want people from minority groups that are often on the recieving end of this hate, to feel welcomed on campus; but at the same time I don't want to acknowledge them because it just feeds into their rant and continues the perpetuation of hate.
The groups that try to recruit students into their churches always start off with the same question "Can I get your opinion on something?" and follow that question with one about what you believe in as far as religion goes. I always tell them that I don't have the time anymore because I'm tired of being verbally berated and because I'm afraid that having this debate at all conflates their view--in that by debating them they start to feel as if their beliefs are on the same level as facts.

Mea 7 Mar 23

Enjoy being online again!

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I love to discuss ideas and logic, but if people get nasty or rude or loud - just point and laugh. Maybe start chanting 'religitard' or 'loony-bin' over and over.

That way I can have a conversation at whatever level they can intellectually manage. Lol


There's only one person that I occassionally have a chat with about faith. We got as far as her saying that god doesn't interfere, to which I said then doesn't that make him irrelevant? To which I got no answer!


I think you would be wasting your time confronting one of those zealots. I think ignoring them would be best. If religion comes up in casual conversation I may debate religion depending on the company. It often turns out that a religious person becomes angry with me. I am not sure why.

Nuke Level 5 Mar 24, 2018

No, I don't. I see no point in it.


You cannot reason with a zealot. Nothing you can say will convince them that you want to be left alone and Anything you say can and will be used against you. I have come to this conclusion, do not engage with anything than hidden mimicry. I am simply a parrot to what they say. I don't have to waste time engaging with them because obvioulsy I am doing the good work, in their eyes, and since I have no care what they think of me as I will probably never see them again, I lay it on thick. I never give them a chance to do anything but mumble amen, lol. They are so easily molded to your will simply because they do not think or see beyond the surface. I get a chuckle, they feel like they did something, win win.


Sometimes, but I refuse to debate and most often do not go into any more detail with them than you see me do on this site. To believe or not to believe is not something that you "win."


No because I'm not clear on my views just yet. And to be honest I might not ever know the real truth, I'm finding out that a lot of the things I was taught throughout my schooling, are not true. With every new piece of Info I learn, it can change my beliefs. So I wouldn't sit there and argue about who's right or wrong. Cause then I could be the one who was wrong in the end. Who knows.


No not at all. Every one is entitled to there own opinion. It is ok if they won't to believe. It is ok if you won't to base your opinion on something else. As soon as you see hate, it is a bad sign. No good will come from this. If you can walk away. Stay away from hate.


I use to even had a atheist vs theist debate group on Facebook. I came to the conclusion it’s a waste of time. I now believe people have to come to the realization that religion is bullshit on their own. Or at the very start to realize it. Then you may be able to help then along.


Not a minute!


On a campus I could see possibly being more vocal - just for the reasons you've expressed. Sometimes, the battles seem worth it - at least for a while.

But out in the world in the rest of life, I prefer not to get into random debates, as I see no point. Similar to debating with those enamored with the orange one. Not going to change them - why waste energy, get yourself all worked up, and possibly bring your mood down ?

If it's someone I like, and care about to some degree, that happens to be a "god person", I'll respectfully examine thoughts and ideas, without any expectation of change on either side .


No id rather spend my time with some ladies in a mass--debate

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