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How long will you last before you finally give in and ask for the government's help after an economic collapse?

Are there any atheist preppers here? I would like to start getting ready myself just in case, you never know...
Where would I even begin?

oscar4jac 4 Mar 23

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I would fill out the paperwork immediately, as a farmer you learn to never pass up the chance to get government money. However, you also learn to never rely on it, so, I can operate for years without it.


If anyone thinks your great OBAMA and hillary did anything for the world, with their allah, then god help you, religion breeds corruption, any religion, and if you think im a moron for supporting a man who stops feeding money to war machines, then so be it, the us economy is getting better, and that can only be good for the western world, religion and politics, shit,
fuck you all, im gone


After an economic collapse, if it's bad enough, any government left would not be looking to help its citizens.

marga Level 7 Mar 24, 2018

The time to act is now. There have already been several economic collapses, including the 1929 market crash that was followed by the Great Depression, and one in 1987, and one in 2008-2009.


About now would be a good time, its never too late to sponge off a taxpayer

What? Who are you talking about sponging off a taxpayer?


At this point in my life... The three Monthly payments I receive are owed to me by the government. Are not help or assistance. We made a Deal.


I am one who is willing and able to protect my life, and those who I love. The government can not protect everyone.

@atheist I think your needle is stuck.


Prepers would just be targets.

Targets of who?

@Captain_Feelgood everyone else. Me.

@Captain_Feelgood if they have supplies and the world is in chaos, we’ll either be friends who share of two opposing forces in need of a obtaining/controlling supplies.

@Captain_Feelgood It is true, it is like the animal world, some peoples idea or prepping is knowing where other preppers are and being prepared to take all.


When we finally destroy the life on earth we destroy ourselves.


The term "prepper" carries all sorts of crazy connotations. I am a realist.
I have car insurance, I have a spare tyre, I have food and back up power due to fires and floods in my area.
I have a somewhat crazy skill set that unfortunately excludes any mechanical ability.
The government has never helped me in fact they made things to hard forcing me to pay child support to my ex when I had sole custody of the kids - don't get me started. Kids and I went through hell and it cost me more than I had in legal expenses.

So, I do not need or want Government help.


It’s great feeling I’m among friends and people I care about 🙂 So here’s where I’d start: [];

I’d been ‘a prepper’ long before hearing that term … back when my portion of the world would have received a 20 megaton airblast.. Didn’t happen, thank humanity.. The book I’ve linked was recently suggested to me (I’ve read it within the last year), and what I liked is the slowburn aspect... We’d prepared for ‘the bomb,’ then total devastation.. Anymore, the societal breakdown described in Argentina, to me, very much mirror's what we’d most likely face. The author has a website, too.

Learning from the like minded is an excellent start. Those bent on stocking an armed compound will be rich targets, so be careful who you listen to. The book above covers all of that, and much more … from a guy with experience.. I didn’t always appreciate his political views, but wasn’t reading it for that.

Varn Level 8 Mar 24, 2018

Why would there be a government after an economic collapse? Where would the money and natural resources come from to operate it? Even if there was a government after an economic collapse, why would they help? If they didn't help, there is no need for a government for the people. There would either be no government, or they would probably be hostile looking out for their own benefit and sustainability.

Am I wrong?


No you're right. But there are a few who will put all their faith in their government. And will do whatever they're told to do by the government..


I already have been receiving govt help. Obamacare saved my life when I was diagnosed with AML 6 years ago. Healthy now I am retired and get Social Security and Medicare. The govt is not going to help anyone - Paul Ryan wants to eliminate our social network services. In the event of trumpty dumpty attacking North Korea with John Bolton's encouragement we are all fucked.

I am an Obama fan, he is here at the moment, if I had my way we would keep him, and send you our lot back in his place?

we need him back desperately.

I was recently 'let go' and I am blessed to have state and federal programs available to ME until I start my new employment contract. I have paid the penalty of not having health coverage for the past years, since HCA, but I was fortunate enough to be able to pay the fines, however I believe the penalty is double taxation, as I should not have to pay a penalty for taking care of my own medical/emergency needs out of pocket. Noneretheless...I've paid. #areyouregisteredtovote?

your nutz, trump forced the little fat rocketman, to back down,


As long as it takes to get my paperwork in order. I made the mistake of not going on assistance after my divorce. Live and learn.


Get land, well out of the way and do nothing but fertilise it for 50 years (any property you can get that is sufficiently remote is likely flogged out). Pass it on to your children who can then start growing vegetables on it. Failing that you can accept that as a social species we work far more effectively as groups and try to change your government to a point where it will favour the citizenry over the oligarchs. This won't avert climate change but may mean that our societies have an upper limit on that to which they are required to adapt.

Soil is an amazing resource, make it rich, lots of carbon as well as 15 other elements and you are on your way.

@Rugglesby The old gent is currently trying a variant on Hugelkultur burying both organics (obviously) but also inorganics like nylon cloth to improve water penetration. He's only been at it for 5 years but the results so far are encouraging. He's on a mix of decomposed granite and very light sandstone.

@RobAnybody Ask the kelda for advice!

@Spinliesel He does (I'm one of five, four boys and a girl. All the boys are martial artists of some sort and most of us have soldiered.)


When my vision began to detiorate to the point where I couldn't drive anymore, and
working became impractical, I was still resistant to filing for Disability Benefits.
Some good friends sat me down and told me to get over myself and file.
I'd worked since I was 14. I paid into the system for decades.
Things like Social Security, and Social Security Disability are NOT "entitlements".
Every single one of us who has ever worked for a paycheck, have paid into the system.
I had to be convinced that losing my vision wasn't my fault and there was no shame in
collecting a check.
If a situation where being a "prepper" was a good idea, actually comes to pass, those of
us who do rely on the government for that monthly check, are screwed.

Your condition is some of what SS is for. Sadly, too many, who never paid into the system, get a check from the tax payers' earnings. Since you paid in for decades and tried to continue to work, you shouldn't feel bad.

@Potsandpans Thanks. I don't anymore. Now I just worry about assholes like Ryan who want to gut the program, and those who think it should be privatized. We all see how well that works in the insurance industry.

@KKGator I see it from a different angle: If the other side of the aisle wasn't so eager to buy votes by having all the non-needing ones on the tax payer's backs, then maybe there would not be the need to have cut-backs for the ones who need. We keep hearing about there will be no SS money for retiring people of my age, and I have paid all these years...We aren't hearing that we are going to run out of welfare money. We have a broken system that needs to be fixed.

I, too, live on disability and a small pension from my job. I do not feel like I am getting anything to which I am not entitled. I worked for 45 years and paid in all that time, so I feel like I am just getting that which I've earned.

Unemployment is a different matter. I've applied twice in my life, once when 7 months pregnant and getting divorced, and once when I moved to another state. Both times I was turned down, the first time because I wasn't actively looking for a job (pregnant, 2 small kids, no transportation), and the other time because I quit (because I was moving)--I was told unemployment is only for those who are fired without cause. This pissed me off; like I said, I worked and paid into the system all my life, and then some bureaucrat tells me it doesn't matter.

@Potsandpans BOTH sides are to blame for the system being broken. It's not just one, or the other. But hey, it's just easier to blame whichever side you don't think you're a part of.

@KKGator This ^^^^
I totally agree that there is that divide, and the elected officials want to keep us divided,,,you know, the divide and concur tactic. My statement is because I keep reading on this site about how bad/wrong it is to be a Republican and very few who will acknowledge the Democrat's shortcomings. I see both sides as power grabbing parasitic liars who aren't to be trusted.

@Potsandpans Which is precisely why it's so important to cultivate Independent candidates, who don't subscribe to either side's agenda.


Prepping is futile. Fight with all your might to stop climate change.

If 7 billion of us all did our little bit, we could solve the climate problem which removes many threats and costs from the economy.

@Rugglesby Yes, I know there are things each person can do to help. If climate change would create a Pearl Harbor or 9/11, perhaps people would be more concerned.


Dirt and seeds

and canning jars and knowledge of hoe tyo preserve the food you grow.

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