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What are your "tribes"?

Other than, what other groups do you feel a connection with? Could be anything: work-related, causes, interests, conditions, experiences, etc.; anything important or meaningful to you.

bleurowz 8 Mar 24

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I'm a Groucho Marxist. I'd be ashamed of any club that would have me as a member.



cultural Jew, liberal, progressive, anti-Trumpster, singles, gun reformer, political activist.

Cultural Judaism is something most have not heard about (I have). Have you done any postings on this subject?

I think I did Jack. Several others here I have connected with.

You are a wow woman ! Admired.


Software developer, science nerd, recent political progressive, climate change abolitionist, anti-corruption and gun reformer, single payer health-care and living wage promoter, etc.


I'm an old juvenile delinquent. I don't and haven't doen anything ilegal since I was 15ish, but still feel ever so slightly rebelious? I hope I never lose it.


The "garage" band that I'm in is cool...

I'm looking for one, but apparently not hard enough. Nobody needs another guitar player.


Bernie Sanders bandwagon 100%.


In typical hardcore Atheist style, I tend to be a strong non-joiner. I pretty much do my own thing, though I am often the person who has never actually "joined the group", but appears when needed to help. I even quit the Democratic Party when they made their nomination in the last election. I am a life member of American Atheists. It was my admiration for the leadership of Ellen Johnson that convinced me to join. Nowadays, I am not so much interested. I maintain my membership in American Association for the Advancement of Science.


Freedom From Religion Foundation (After-life member), the Humanists, Nature Conservancy (Legacy), EngenderHealth, Friends of the San Juans, BLM/San Juan Islands National Monument (most of my time is spent with this group), Lopez Historical Society, SERVAS Int'l. These are the main ones but there are a few smaller ones.


Humanity, primarily, followed by the animal kingdom. I avoid membership and allegiance otherwise.


Although sometimes I like to feel like part of a group, I tend to shy away from any 'tribal' type associations. As Groucho once said: "I don’t want to belong to any club that will accept me as a member."


Progressives, SJW's, tree-hugging dirt-worshippers, 12-steppers, critical thinkers, stength athletes and bodybuilders,


Environmental restoration and wildlife rescue and am part of teh community garden groups in the region


No matter how much I reject the entire concept of gods and religion, I'll always be a member of the Jewish tribe. Also: cyclists, socialists, anarchists, antifa, LGBTQ+, feminists, cat lovers, ravers, travellers.

Jnei Level 8 Mar 24, 2018

Morganton Humanist Alliance (NC, Board Member), Happy Hippie Campers in NC & Central FL


My hobby is the Society For Creative Anachronism. I get medieval on the weekends every now and then. Many of my closest friends also do.

Deb57 Level 8 Mar 24, 2018

Kayaking! There's nothing that relaxes me more than floating down a river listening to the sounds of nature.


Fellow birders, bird photographers, empaths, Third Culture Kids, missionary kids (MKs), the LGBTQ community, horse lovers, travelers, expats, dog lovers, liberals, agnostics, artists, musicians, writers, book lovers, Star Wars fans, Harry Potter fans, health food people, green solutions people, seamstresses/designers


Apart from my family, my strongest tribal bonds would be with my employees and coworkers. There is one guy I work with that I wouldn't go out of my way for, but he dug that hole himself. Also, it's probably pretty irrational, but if I meet someone who's into the same media as me (particularly Harry Potter) I immediately think more highly of them.


Yes, Humanity, first and foremost, then Advocate, child of first generation Americans, not-for-profit health professional, mother of a well adjusted adult child 🙂 and the biggest influence on shaping all the others: living on the fringe of the often misunderstood and demonized (cultural) Judaism


Cultural Jews, Buddhists, writers, artists / designers, actors / singers / improvisors, Broadway musical lovers, filmmakers, progressives, HSPs (highly sensitive persons), cancer survivors, Star Wars fans, NYC natives, New Jersey natives, the whole human race

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