23 3

Do you 'wear your heart on your sleeve'?

What are your thoughts about this?

atheist 8 Mar 24

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I usually do... Im not good at hiding them, so I don't try to hide them


Pretty much. And it gets beat up a lot, but I'm supposed to be grown-up enough to take it. And now, I shall go hide in my corner.


I gave it to someone and she never gave it back.


Will I save a spider of course they are a tinny creature that can be crushed with my little finger. Would step in to keep someone from getting hurt, yes cleaning up blood is difficult. Can I euthanize a hurt or sick animal yes with out a second thought.


I do and it tends to get broken a lot. But I don’t know any other way.

I'm the same, and I know how you feel 😟


I pull them out as I need to.


What heart?


What does that even mean? I’ve heard it used before, but I’ve just blown it off.

@atheist lol, ok...


It is a platatude that to me, signifies a weak, overly emotional person lacking in self-control. The kind I avoid.


Yes I am terrible at hiding my emotions. Except crying. I do not cry in public. Grew up with a day that beat it into me that big boys don’t cry. I won’t do that to my son.


Nope, and I don't appreciate being treated like there's something wrong with that (not by you, OP--by people in my life who are more floridly demonstrative).

Just because I don't show my feelings (like you do) doesn't mean I don't feel my feelings, or that I'm "bottling" them. It means the conduits that translate my inner workings to my outer apparatus are narrower than yours. That's not a defect; that's a natural variation.

FFS, people: there's no right way to do feelings.

@AMGT I thought about including a disclaimer but I declined for the sake of brevity--and because I already mentioned natural variation and not bottling, I'd hoped those sentiment would carry over. The invisible implication is "there's no wrong way to healthily do feelings"


Mai poker face game iz teh suxxors

tfw some1 is moar 1337 than u.

@Deveno I thought it was LOLspeak 😀


Yea, I can be a sap sometimes.


No. That is not wise.


In general, yes, but there are times when prudence or diplomacy dictates not to.


Sometimes too much. Especially if I'm in a place of need and loneliness. Like now.


Far to often.


I should probably do that more often


One could probably say I do. I refuse to hide my emotions.


Yes to much


Yeah, but I also wear an overcoat and bullet-proof vest.


Nope, buried deep, locked it up, and threw away the key!

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