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Are you a Debbie Downer?
I sure am. But I usually try to resist ruining the fun of others doing what I consider foolish (STUPID) things.

Do people around you smoke, eat junk food, never exercise, dump their kids at day care and feed babies from a bottle, let their dogs eat junk food until they can barely walk, never read anything, throw trash on the ground, watch Fox News, attend church, make racist or homo/transphobic comments, etc.?

If possible, I try to distract myself by getting busy, think of something else, or go somewhere else when people are doing things so blatantly I'm afraid I might make snide comments.
In the case of the last item-homophobic comments, I will probably say something, if the comments were made in my presence, but not when just overhearing them.

birdingnut 8 Mar 25

Enjoy being online again!

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Unless they are imposing on me and my space somehow, I don't care what other people do.

marga Level 7 Mar 30, 2018

Ironically, and as we all know but don't always realize, the glass that is half empty is also half full.
I live next door to Buddhists from Bangkok and they are into positivity and of course kindness.
I have fallen into negativity and into negative depression in the past so it can be a bit of a struggle to attain positivity.
We do not not to be solipsistic goody goodies, though. I think it's much better for you physically and psychologically.
With regard to other people acting negative, engaging in harmful or or dumb or ugly activities, it's good if one can lead by example. I had noticed lots of totally enraged men on facebook, not only angry but intolerant and likely self destructive and probably iincapable of truly healthy relationships. I suspected alcoholism and possibly even addiction. Since I was arguing with them, I am not saying I led by example, but I got "12 stepped" before getting sober numerous times, which was over a quarter century ago.
(birdingnut I love your icon, it should be a "duh" for everyone! Truly pro life, and have been arguing this for awhile now! To millions of men pro life means bedroom cop or trying to control all women.)


Waa waa waa waaaaa...


Unless someone says or does anything that's hurtful or offensive to me or someone else, my feeling is, live and let live. I may not like someone's lifestyle or beliefs, but as long as they're not imposing them on me, I just have to leave it be.


I get accused of this when I simply don't have the kind of emotional response to something that others think I should, like failing to find something funny or interesting. Fuck straight off! I'm not "bringing you down" by complaining or talking shit; I'm just responding (or not) in a manner natural to me. I'm not going to play-act for your benefit, and it's asininely immature of you to take personal offense at my emotional experiences when I'm being completely appropriate--and they really have nothing to do with you anyway.

I don't have to like the same things you like or laugh at your jokes. Grow up.


I'm with you on everything except bottles. I always wondered what anti-bottle people expect those who adopted their kids to do. Wet nurses aren't a thing any more.

Good point. Also, for biological mothers as well, it's not always physically possible to nurse. My sister could not, for example.


For those of us who are both self-aware and naturally curious about what’s going on around them the temptation to get frustrated is almost always there. But one thing that keeps me from saying something is that typically doing so would only make me look ridiculous. In those moments I try to pause and consider what I would rather be doing or what would make me happy - pushing away those negative thoughts and refocusing on things I enjoy!

JMA88 Level 2 Mar 25, 2018

No I avoid people like that. My GF has weight issues and all her friends are overweight. When I'm around them I try to enjoy their company without judging them.

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