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LINK Is it Safe to Eat Roadkill? | Live Science

I know that most often the link is read and the article is not. I'm wanting to know opinions about the context of this article.

This may not seem strange to anyone but me but I'm thinking it will be because it is giving tips, helpful hints, ideas, and so on about roadkill. The only thing missing are recipes.

WTF! 😛😛😛

SeaGreenEyez 9 Nov 24

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Seems like the ethical thing to do if you have the skills. It would have to be something killed just then, either witnessed or killed personally. Basic observation done to se if it was still intact enough to use. Definately cooked thoroughly.

I don't have the skills and I'm lazy. I have my meat raised killed and packaged by our chicken and cattle industries.

MsAl Level 8 Nov 25, 2019

@SeaGreenEyez Yes thus the need to know it is freshly killed, have knowledge, examine it and cook thoroughly. As long as those things are done I don't see it as more dangerous than eating any other wild animal one would hunt.


One thing that they did not mention. Is that, the reason why an animal gets hit by are car, could be that it is slow or disabled, which could in turn be, because it has been poisoned. Either deliberately or as a result of the slow build up of things like pestisides in its diet. Something to think about.


As a vegetarian, I won't be eating any roadkill, but it really isn't that different than eating venison or other game meat, provided you follow the guidelines in the article.


I'll get the shovel, you bring a bucket and we'll have a picnic! YUUUUMMY!


Happens here all the time. Not me though. I'm clueless re: butchering anything bigger than a bass.


Not safe

bobwjr Level 10 Nov 24, 2019
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