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The Importance of Seeing Beauty in Everyday Life

Last night as I got ready for bed, I glanced at the Christmas Cactus and stopped, gobsmacked. What a gorgeous wash of flowers!

But by morning, the flowers will change. New buds open and others close. Ran for my camera to capture the moment.

“If you truly love nature, you will find beauty everywhere.”

― Vincent Van Gogh

Your thoughts?

LiterateHiker 9 Nov 27

Enjoy being online again!

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Beautiful plant
we all walk around with our eyes open, but not really seeing what is around us, so miss these moments


It's wonderful to unexpectedly notice that one of your houseplants has blossomed. I used to have orchids, and they would occasionally surprise me.


Sometimes it seems to take being in a circumstance of an imminent threat to our existence to make us slow down and focus on the little things which can give life quality.


That's true with many cancer patients. But some people are born with a sensitivity to beauty. As a lifelong sensualist, I see beauty everywhere.

  1. Mt. Rainier framed by the Enchantment Mountains. Taken from a small plane.

  2. Columbia Lily with two Monarch butterflies.

  3. Sunset set the cliffs afire, first gold, then red. Necklace Valley, WA.

  4. A quiet moment as my daughter, Claire, 28, gets ready for her wedding, Sept. 2018

  5. Cliff Penstemon suspended over Icicle Creek.

@LiterateHiker With me, it was the 3 year-long experience of being an American soldier in West Berlin from 1959-62 surrounded by and outnumbered by Russian soldiers 300 to 1, with the constant threat of imminent attack. That created a sense of immediacy that is rare.


“Gobsmacked” lol. Not an exclamatory statement one reads or hears everyday. Love the flowers! Thanks for the photo and reminder to pay attention to the beauty around us.


"Gobsmacked" is chiefly a British term that means "utterly astounded; astonished."


Yes I agree. One can find beauty every where. Lot depends on how one looks at life overall. Be narrow minded and the majority of beauty you will miss in life. Blooming Christmas Cactus are very beautiful and can be located to some amazing settings. Enjoy the beauty



bobwjr Level 10 Nov 27, 2019

I look forward to the day I can keep houseplants alive.

1of5 Level 8 Nov 27, 2019

And how will you manage that? I’m terrible with houseplants and don’t think it will ever change. The only houseplant I manage to not kill is a philodendron. It’s a hearty sucker that withstands my negligence and abuse.

@Bobbyzen no fucking clue. When I die I considering going the "put in an urn to grow a tree from" thingie.

Probably kill the tree.


Read "Making Things Grow," a wonderful book by Thalassa Cruso. That's how I learned to grow plants.

@LiterateHiker Appreciate the tip, but my strategy is to meet a woman who can keep houseplants healthy. And if she can’t, we’ll keep great company while killing them together 😂🤣


Very funny! Take responsibility instead of expecting a woman to do the work.

@LiterateHiker ha, I was joking. I’m gonna find a rich gal so we can hire someone to keep the plants healthy.

@LiterateHiker Are you rich? Asking for a friend.


Nope, I'm not rich.

@LiterateHiker well then, would you take care of my plants? 😂🤣

@LiterateHiker you misspelled interested. Out of politeness, I'm assuming.


Where did I misspell "interested"? I scanned the post and comments and didn't find it.

@LiterateHiker Nope, I'm not rich

I was implying "interested" should replace "rich". 😉

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