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Religious freedom

The newspaper seems to be full of religious groups complaining that the draft religious freedom legislation does not go far enough. Considering a third of Australians profess no religion why aren't atheists etal consulted as well?
Surely "religious freedom" = freedom from religion.

robdempster 2 Dec 1

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Believers are free to have whatever Pink Fairy suits them.

  1. To believe in God without evidence is a matter of Faith, and anyone's right to do so.
  2. To insist it is a fact, and not just Faith, is to require proof of your assertion.
  3. To force your Faith onto others by Law is Authoritarian Theocracy.

No one can provide the second point, as it is a supernatural claim.
I will always stand opposed to the third point in the interests of Liberty itself.

YOU are free to believe whatever you desire. YOU may believe the entirety of existence depends on the efforts of little pink Faeries which fly out of your butt. I do not care, it does not affect me. It neither breaks my leg nor picks my pocket.
IF YOU want to insist that is reality, YOU need to prove your faeries are real.
If you want to make laws about your fairies without proving them, YOU are practicing a form of THEOCRACY, like the Taliban.


Religious freedom means free to force my religion on others in many religionists minds.


Unfortunately not. It means freedom to follow "my" religion. A form of fascist-lite.


The way their so called god(s) intended???



Religious freedom legislation is a misnomer, it is basically a freedom to hate and an exception from anti prejudice law based on the words of a fictional character.


Religion from the Latin religare to bind again. to restrain

Hence Religious freedom = oxymoron


Because there is nothing Atheists can complain to be against their religion.
Even forcefully participate on rituals is not against our (non) religion.
That is why "atheist mock religions" are created like the flying spaghetti monster and some satanist churches, so atheists can use religion freedom and equality to prevent religion from taking over and having a voice.


Wouldn’t have thought atheists gave a shit one way or the other!

@K9Kohle789 Not only your personal life but all lives.

Atheists have as much to lose as anyone when so-called "Religious Freedom Laws" are passed. All of them are furthering the Christian right's ability to limit the rights of everyone else.


Just ask the Jews about the inquisition!!!

I think I must be getting this wrong. The responses seem to me to be saying that to be able to able to have freedom of religion is wrong.

Please correct me if I am mistaken.

@Eazyduzzit is this just an American thing. Certainly not inherent in EU, unless I have missed something

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