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Unitarian Universalist Churches are sometimes filled with 50% Atheists and Agnostics and the church gives me a place for community, just like this website. Has anyone else shared that experience.

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DeeAnnaDowdle 3 Mar 25

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My UU church has specifically humanist services that do not contain any references to god (even vague references). I go for those.

May I ask why?

@MrLink The services are usually interesting philosophical and ethical discussions, and they often get people from the community and all around the country to speak.

@Amy0825 oh, well that actually does sound cool. A Church of the Ted Talk kind of thing.

I went when I had kids so they could get the sense of community people get from church, and then when I moved to the bible belt I went so I could find some sane people to talk to.


I had wonderful experiences at the UU church, made great friends there! But moved out of the area.



Yes, I have for more than 20 years in Plano, TX, Redmond, Wa and Victoria, BC, Canada.
I would prefer they were called Fellowship instead of Church which is missleading given the number of openly non-beievers in them, Humanist, Skeptics, Seculars, Freethinkers, Atheist and Agnostics. Services are without any references to god. You often find Atheist ministers. At the Victoria UU there is a AHA (Atheist, Humanist and Agnostics) group of 30+ members that meets monthly to discuss topics presented by one of the members.
They certaininly are a place for community.
And most importantly, they have a superv sexual education program OWL (Our Whole Lives) for all ages, including seniors.


To quote the inimitable Groucho Marx, "I don’t want to belong to any club that would accept me as one of its members.” (1949)


Karen and I have been going to one for about 6 months. I think it's important to have a community that has similar ideas, and interests. It's something that we both enjoy doing.
I enjoy going to meetings at the local atheist group, but she still believes in a god, and even though she has gone with me, she doesn't enjoy it.


I have had a couple friends that were both Unitarians and Ateists. One was going to give me an Atheist book he got from his minster (also Atheist).


I have not been, but I am very curious about what attending a UU church is like. What has been your experience? Do they have regular masses? Do you go weekly, monthly?

The services I have been to are either more like a world religion class, or social issues. They tend to be more about education. Our group had one that I and a friend did on Fun Religious Holidays Like " Day of the Dead", Holi " etc.


Couldn’t pay me to go.


Quite a lot of churches in the UK encourage people to attend services even if they have no religious beliefs. My own experience is of Quakers, Methodists, and Church of England (Episcopalian in US?). They want people to feel they are part of the community which the church serves and maybe hope that your beliefs will change if you stick with them.


There isn't one remotely close to us, but I have been interested in checking them out someday


I did attend one, but they kept asking for money, lots of money.


Yes. I used to go to a UU church. However, I moved and am one hour to the closest one. I miss it.


I really don't have any desire to go to any sort of church .


I found a local group. South Jersey Humanists I thought about going to a meeting. But they hold them on Sunday mornings in a UU Church. That gave me pause. I like churches for their historical and architectural aspects. Also the music and stained glass. My brothers worked for a stained glass studio doing church window restorations and I played the pipe organ in church for years so those aspects are interesting to me. However, I can’t imagine what a UU Church service could be like. Maybe rather attend a lecture or book tour type of non-believer event.

Usually they are like a World Religion or Social Issue class, our Pastor in Flint was a Humanist, Most Unitarians are Aetheist , Pagans or Buddhist. There is a joke that says : Whats a Unitarian? A Aetheist with Children. Unitarians like discussion , coffee , and food.


I have a friend that teached comparative religion classes in one of these churches as well as a few others and he is Agnostic himself, he has attended services and says I would enjoy them since they really don't delve into god all that much.


I was on the Board of Directors of a Democratic Party organization in Miami and we rented the main sanctuary of the Miami UUCC once a month for our meetings. I had always intended on checking them out but never got around to it.

I used to live in Miami, but I didn't attend the UU Church in Kendall until one of my visits back to Miami 4 years ago. I am a Progressive fighting the centrist Democrats inside and outside of the party. Are you still in the Democratic Party?


I attend the church of uncontrolled fun. It's just easier.


I used to attend regulary, but I live in a small town and due to members getting old and moving , our little group fell apart. I really missed it and it helped me find like minded and more open minded people living in the Bible Belt. It really saved me sanity. I lived in Flint MI whaen my children where smaller and the UU up there had a really nice education system for children and offered a great sense of community.

marym Level 4 Apr 1, 2018

You might be a UU if . . .
you have ever been in an argument over whether or not breast milk is vegan.
when you dress for a formal evening out you wear a little black dress, pearls–and Birkenstocks (and your wife thinks you look great!)
you are unsure about the gender of God.

you get Newt Gingrich confused with the Grinch who Stole Christmas.
the money you sent to the Sierra Club last year was more than you spent on your mother at Christmas.
you think the Holy Trinity is “reduce, reuse and recycle.”
you study the “ten suggestions” instead of the “Ten Commandments.”
the only time “Jesus” is mentioned at church is when someone trips or stubs a toe.
your child says to you before eating dinner at a friend’s house “I’ll remember to say my ‘pleases’ and ‘thank yous’ but I’m not going to say that dinner ‘pledge of alliegance’.”
You think a Holy day of Obligation is your turn to do coffee.
You get mail from committees you didn’t know you were on.
You know at least two people who are upset that trees had to die for your church to be built.


I have been to a couple of activities at a local UU church, but have never gone to a service there. Have thought about going many times.


I know many people who feel the same way you. I am not one of them.


Only one I have ever seen was in Bowling Green. Never attended.


I haven't. Some of the members of a humanist group I participate in attend a UU Church. I have thought about going but as of yet haven't.


Nope. I stay away from any church unless it involves funerals


I have attended UU churches in the past

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