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I always tell the women I talk to to teach their sons and daughters that if they need to they can do anything they can to get free of a person trying to harm them. Kick in the balls, bit as hard as you can, scratch (actually keep your nails sightly long in case as skin will be there to identify the person), gouge the eyes, pull hair, use anything you can get your hands on. This is a time when all bets are off and permission is given to do anything you can. Call attention to yourself, scream, yell, wave your hands, yell for help.


I never had a problem with it daughter was groped by a boy in her mid-teens at the local church auditorium dance..she broke his nose and was banned. No One ever did it again!


About 50 years ago I read an article in Cosmopolitan, written by a sex crimes police detective, where he said, "I would tell my daughter, my wife, my mother, take the bullet, take the stabbing, but do not Ever get in that car!"
Words of wisdm!

One gets in the car they are dead.

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