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LINK What Is Religion? - YouTube

skado 9 Dec 9

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I think of the word religion as coming from the latin "religio" like he said, but to me that means a ligament, a binding one back to our source, our origins, and the stories, knowledge and wisdom that supports that, helping society to adhere to that relationship.

So, with that, one could consider science and astronomy, especially the thirty meter telescope that strives to look backward toward the moments after the big bang, to be a religious endeavor.

I don't believe a religion needs to have any supernatural deity or element. Humanism can be a religion, with my definition, if it cultivates and nurtures our human values, the core and source of our humanity.

Cultivates and nurtures - yes!


Good clip it got me thinking about the jokers speech in batman where he talks about people needing a plan otherwise they just go crazy.

Nardi Level 7 Dec 11, 2019

Religion is necessary for those who can't burden themselves constructive thought


Very informative

bobwjr Level 10 Dec 10, 2019
I think that most people, despite insisting otherwise, would define 'religion' by their actions as: the supreme form of reverence for something, at least thought to be, good, right, or true.

    For instance, many "god-fearing" people are 100 times more religious about their sports teams and brandnames than any genuine conviction one could imagine being given to reading scriptures, attending services, or even just practicing what they preach.

It is a natural phenomenon. Something seems real, so it is treated as real until overwhelming evidence to the contrary presents itself. We all saw the overwhelming evidence, and at times we are confronted with more, compelling those of us rational(and brave) enough to consider the possibility that we might occasionally be mistaken about the things we thought we knew so well.

Seemingly intelligent dude wasting his entire life, IMO.


Religion has been defined for a long time. *"Definition of religion

1a : the state of a religious a nun in her 20th year of religion
b(1) : the service and worship of God or the supernatural
(2) : commitment or devotion to religious faith or observance."* From the Merriam-Webster dictionary.

For some people an attempt has been made to muddy the waters and make the definition of religion complex. It's a way of pushing a dogma on a tribe without making it seem like religion. A woman I worked with at a city park once tole me her church was not religion. She had been brainwashed into thinking that if her church is not one of the mainstream organized religions it was not religion. She actually believed this and I believed her as I had heard a report that this was being attempted. What is a religion in the US? Ask the IRS!!!

I have a friend who said something similar; He believes in Jesus, follows his teachings, goes to church, reads scripture, but it's NOT a religion nor believes he is religious.

@MarcusMethod Unfortunately, some people just cannot practice serious critical thinking. To them critical thinking means criticizing other's thinking.


Looks like that QB bloke has blocked me. Wonder why?

I think he might have blocked me also. If he did I consider it an honor.

@WilliamFleming hahaha me too!


Nice one Skado. Set the feathers ruffling!


This video is a waste of time, and will appeal only to those who reject evidence and reason.

Have you watched it. It says the complete opposite!

@Geoffrey51 No so. It is concerned entirely with the semantics of superstition.

@PBuck0145 okay we’ll disagree on that one then


No need to see video, all religions are BULLSHIT!

Love to see a Freethinking open mind

@Geoffrey51 open to facts, logic and reason anytime, never to bullshit.

@Mofo1953 Well you won’t know unless you watch the video with a critical eye rather than a pre-defined bias.

@Geoffrey51 pass, don't have time to waste.

@Mofo1953 me neither


Thank you Skado. That was a brilliant explanation of ‘religion’ and as to why the word religion is a made up, academic term that doesn’t really mean anything at all. Hopefully that will put a lid on some of the nonsense which is propounded here!


So basically the young man is saying that the definition of the word religion is not clearly defined, and admits of enough subjectivity to require a different usage to be assigned for each user.

Apart from the obvious, (That that is something which applies to every word, and that people who think the meanings of words are of any real value in themselves, and that people should not be invited to define their usages, are complete time wasters. ) You have to wonder what sort of cave, in what sort of far distant jungle, removed from all human contact, the young man has been living in, if he thinks that this is not obvious to everyone who considers it.

@maturin1919 Perhaps but that is the way things are whether it is a good thing or not.

@maturin1919 That’s what words do. They adapt. For example ‘gay’ and ‘wog’ and what must now be the ‘n’ word but we can say bollocks without giving offence.

Language is an ever evolving landscape.

@maturin1919 depends upon the culture and the context, especially youth culture. Hip hop has created a totally new lexicon. Nothing wrong with that.

@maturin1919 okay, fair enough.

@maturin1919 It is to address the clusterfuck that you require people to explain their usages, there is no other way round it. Words do not have meanings, only usages. And dictionaries list usages, just look in the average dictionary and you will find few words with single simple meanings listed. That is they way things are whether we like it or not, and there is no power on earth known, which is able to alter that. . The idea that words have meanings, is one of the greatest sources of error in human life, perhaps even as great as religion. A typical example being people who think that when they have defined an a word, they heave made an argument, when in fact no word ever proved anything. Aroute that this young man, wisely, just stoppped short of going down.

We are all culture victims, with our human cultures standing between us and a true understanding of the world, we can however at least be aware of that, and keep in mind many of the traps into which our cultures lead us. Of which the belief that, language is a source of truth, instead of just a messy, undesigned and and distorted series of historical accidents often infected with past attempts to deliberately distort the thruth is perhaps one of the worst.


Ah, Emile Durkheim, nothing like a bit of social anomie to get the old grey matter working


Religion ... pure and faultless is this: to help widows and orphans in need and avoiding worldly corruption. James 1:27

Word Level 8 Dec 9, 2019

LOL. Yes, let religious texts give you the bestest interpretation of religion.

Check out the parts that call for women and children to be made orphans and widows.

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