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Does anybody as an atheist ever feel that we have to fight for our sanity?

It just feels that in the kind of world we live in, people are always trying to solve their belief down your throat. Or when you have rational thoughts, they always find ways to try to make sense of things that you know isn't correct. It's almost as if I'm at war to protect my sanity against insane people trying to spread their poison because deeply in their mind they think they are doing what's right to protect me from some form of eternal punishment. You can't argue with them because it's a waste of time and a waste of breath when hey are trying to convert you to their beliefs. How does anybody else see this war of rational thought against irrational ideas? Any advice on how I can keep my sanity and not go mad in a fit of anger when dealing with brainwashed people when they are trying to convert me to something I don't believe in?

EmeraldJewel 7 Nov 20

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It's not just the religious nut jobs that are taunting your sanity out there... it is all the political discourse, the misogyny, the racism, the corporate abuse of the working class, the complete and utter disregard for science and fact-based truth and the general contempt for people who live in poverty. This is America in 2018. I see it everyday and, quite frankly, it makes me sick and depressed. Lately, I have actually toyed with the idea of moving to another country... I am honestly afraid of the direction this culture is heading. We have become a completely dumbed-down and ignorant society. I am astounded at how many angry, closed-minded and hateful people are out there and walk around spouting garbage and opinion that they try to pawn off as educated factual knowledge. It's sad. As far as advice on how to deal with these fools? I am not sure... still trying to figure that out myself. Do we try to enlighten or change them? Do we ignore them? Do we respectfully acknowledge them while keeping a distance? I don't know.


I hate when I'm having a decent conversation with someone who appears to be sane, and they start talking about how the lord has blessed them, or something to that effect. It's like "ok, you just lost me".

Yep. Exactly.


I believe that the reason religious people try and 'convert' you is not because they are trying to save You, but because they are afraid you might convince them of the truth they fear. That there is no god. That there is no life after death. That everything does NOT happen for a reason. I live in a very religious area. I spent most of my life having to pretend I was religious in order to keep jobs, etc. What I have found recently are meetups for atheists. A place where you can be yourself for a change. I also find that most agnostic/atheists are alos liberal politically, which also helps me feel safe among them.

I think you might just be right. I never thought about it like that. Hey dear one is possibly right. And I do agree that finding atheist meet ups is a great thing and feeling safe for the reasons you stated.


A couple of things, first in some cases I feel pity for them. They are so brainwashed that anything you say or do is not going to matter they will find a way to justify their actions to remain with their faith in tact. Second I try to respect their beliefs. Yes I know but with some, the ones who don't try to shove their own religion down my throat, I try to be understanding and respectful because they are doing it for me.

You have a point about I feel pity for hem, due to all of the brainwashing. How it must be a pity to be so far gone that it must be unreal.


Fighting for sanity every damn day, this is like a nightmare


No, but we do have to fight against the insanity of religious and political "TRUE BELIEVERS."


I find that true of everybody. Just remember, atheism is a belief. I’ve heard it from both sides. I think the better position is enlightened agnosticism. Just let everyone think what they want and concern yourself with your own opinion.


No, no for my sanity; I am not the one who believes in imaginary people. When someone attempts to talk to me about religion... my answer is always the same: "Keep your ignorance to yourself."


Sadly all the time..I just keep repeating to myself " logic does not live here" it pretty sums up the reality when dealing with religion


Rational arguments don’t work on religious people. Other wise there would be no religious people.



I was wondering much the same as I anticipate seeing my psychiatrist in the morning.


Wow !! I feel for you!! All human consciousness is self hypnosis and hypnosis of others on some level if you think about it. The brain receives stimuli and then interprets it. We are constantly engaged in telling ourselves and others stories about what is going on around us.
So the answer is to strengthen your own version of the narrative by fact finding. Read history and philosophy and learn a few choice quotes to shut down idiots
At the end of the day it doesn't matter what other people think is going on, it only matters that you can live and thrive within the world. That's your only job , so get a bit of attitude.
I think they must have dropped the mould when they made me because I have never ever had a problem questioning their bullshit fairy tales.
Meditation can be good for centering and quietening down the chatter if you feel you need to bolster your self esteem. Just choose to tell yourself a different story about the world, confidence literally is a trick.
So far as actual conversations with religious nuts goes , don't bother. Each person has to find their own way and all we can ever do in life is be each other's example.
And you don't have to defend being an atheist. It's not a cult or a fairy tale which you need to put over on other people,.so never feel that you have to either convert others or defend yourself.
Choosing not to believe some other dude's fiction of what is going on doesn't require defending. It just is what it is.

Your comment was very helpful. Thank you! I guess in reality they are the ones who should try fighting for their sanity.


Negative, I feel like the people around me have to fight for theirs.

You have a valid point.


Get out of Oklahoma and move to California. The Christian/Non-Christian ratio is much better there (and the weather is better too).

BD66 Level 8 Nov 20, 2017

I find it helps to poke fun, in a good-natured way, at religion. When people get a little too serious or confrontational about religion, a mildly derisive comment in a friendly way can help ease tensions.

Sad but true. It's like they want to know that you are at least partially irrationally angry at them so they can feel persecuted and justified.

When I rib people, I think it comes across a little playful, just a way of showing I disagree but in a little humorous way. But I think you have to know the other person pretty well.


I wouldn’t say my sanity. I would say my temper. ;0)

Lol that's a better word.

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