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Has anyone ever noticed that if someone uses the expression "here's food for thought," that without a doubt what follows next is total and absolute drivel?

It's almost as if they were sending a signal that it's safe to ignore whatever they say.

Robotbuilder 7 Mar 26

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Not without a doubt. Sometimes it's not drivel. Sometimes it is. Sometimes it can be used facetiously or as a joke. Am I taking this too seriously? Lol


Similar to "i'm not a racist...but " "I don't hate gay...but"

Nothing good is going to come after the "but" as they prove themselves a hater.


I've noticed that when someone says that to me, the next thing they say has nothing todo with food. Now I'm hungry!


Wow. Deep. That's food for thought. I shall pray for you, Brother Robotbuilder.


It sounds better than "I'm just about to talk some shit"


Obviously they mean "junk food".


No, sorry, that hasn't been my experience.

marga Level 7 Mar 26, 2018
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