Has anyone ever noticed that if someone uses the expression "here's food for thought," that without a doubt what follows next is total and absolute drivel?
It's almost as if they were sending a signal that it's safe to ignore whatever they say.
Not without a doubt. Sometimes it's not drivel. Sometimes it is. Sometimes it can be used facetiously or as a joke. Am I taking this too seriously? Lol
Similar to "i'm not a racist...but " "I don't hate gay...but"
Nothing good is going to come after the "but" as they prove themselves a hater.
I've noticed that when someone says that to me, the next thing they say has nothing todo with food. Now I'm hungry!
Wow. Deep. That's food for thought. I shall pray for you, Brother Robotbuilder.
It sounds better than "I'm just about to talk some shit"