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I am curious what some of you think. I had a man approach me in the supermarket yesterday morning... to make a slightly boring story less boring I will get right to the point... he asked for my number and I gave it to him... after I agreed to meet for coffee next time he was in town, he "explained" to me that the only cell phone he had was owned by his employer and that when he called me it would show up as Restricted...Aaaannnddd he can't text on it. He didn't offer his number to me.

Am I being too skeptical when I say I think he may be married?

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Valarina61 4 Mar 26

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73 comments (26 - 50)

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This looks like a parade in China there are so many red flags!

BillF Level 7 Mar 26, 2018

If you meet for coffee make sure you keep your drink covered and in your hand at all times.


Take it as the obvious compliment that it is.


A Gentleman with nothing to hide, would have offered you HIS number , with no pressure on you at all.


Most of the people I know with an employer provided phone also has a personal one with the exception of one person who does not have any social media accounts or even a computer.

The others that do not carry a personal cell have no problem giving the number to non business related people so he does not need to hide you from his employer.


I wouldn't jump to the conclusion that he's married based on that; it could just be a live in girlfriend.

JimG Level 8 Mar 26, 2018

Yes very likely he is married. He says he has not a business phone.....and he text. Also he took your number and he said yours would come up restricted.


I would say if getting his own phone would improve his sex life he should do it, realizing you are only meeting for coffee but it’s even screwing that up. If he calls I think you should say you don’t go out with people you can’t contact and suggest he stop at a Verizon and fix his life. Apologies if that sounds harsh since I don’t know you, but I would not want my daughter trusting this and so I don’t think it’s a great idea for anyone.


Did he ask how many kidneys you had and if they are in working order ?


IMO if he were single he would have given you his cell phone number without all the drama.


You are too naive. Please keep yourself safe. Of course, he is amrried.


Yeah, he's married.


To me it seems pretty evident that he is married. But married or not married seems pretty odd. I for sure wouldn't take him serious. If you just want like a one night stand type thing I guess he would be perfect for that.


Definitely married. Don’t fall for his lies.


Who doesn't have a personal cell phone these days? Especially if you have a job. My mother is 68 and she's had a personal cell phone for years. Like someone else already mentioned too, next time he's in town? Yeah.


Isn't marriage a biblical concept that folks like us shouldn't be concerned with? He should be judged by the content of his character and he failed. Miserably. Move on.


Married, or something creepy. Big red flag of some sort.




Coming from a man, I would think married, cell phone's are cheap. In my opinion, stay away.


I never hand out my number to anyone.


That's pure bullshit. He's full of shit as most men are. You know where men's brains are located. Right??? Like we are not stupid.

I finally got in contact with this woman that lives an hour away.....she looked nice, I was interested in meeting for coffee. I met her on a dating site, (what a joke). I"m not much of a drinker anymore. Anyway.....I texted her, I sent her some pictures of me and my grand kids.....we were texting and then I said, "why don't we just talk on the phone" and her answer was "let's just text for now" ( I went thru this before like last Holloween)....then as it turned out......she explained to me she would talk to me on the phone.....IF I BOUGHT HER A NEW CELL PHONE!!.... you have to be kidding me??? What a loser. Yeah, and she is 61 years old. I went on the last website (POF) date last Holloween, she was 63, had NOT worked in 20 years and her phone had been disconnected and she was ready to be evicted from her place. I have so many stupid stories from POF.....I just want to go to a movie, whole thing has gotten so stupid, I just gave up. I'll go to the movies by myself like I have for years. ha ha ....I don't know what women are looking for, but if they are looking for a "sugar daddy".....first thing, if a guy can afford to be a sugar daddy, they are NOT gonna get a 61 year old "sugar baby"......really.....think about it. They are gonna get a 30 year old....or a 25 year old......MicK Jagger's new honey is 23 years old. Imagine that???
I like chatting on here because I"m obsessed with THE UNIVERSE and why we are here...I'm closer to agnostics than Christians, that's for sure. I was raised Lutheran, but all that crap went out the door years ago. I have experienced some pretty magical things.....let's say coincidences.


I have a friend who is very cautious about his number getting out, until after he knows someone. For my friend, it's probably some sort of paranoid disorder.


I don't know that he's married... But it's deffintely sketchy...


This reminds me of a teacher that once worked at our school. He was exceedingly slick, muscular and fit and, I am guessing, highly desirable. He was actively perusing (sexual encounter/s) a married teacher, and often resided with his in-town girlfriend (single woman). He also had his wonderful finance that lived on his farmstead. One day one of the girls found the numbers of the other girls on his cell phone and the fireworks began. Sounds like this guy is trying to avoid fireworks.


I used to pick up on women at supermarkets, I would stand in the cake isle and ask the woman how to bake a cake as it was my son's birthday. This let's her know I'm single and needs a woman's touch. Usually I waited for the one wearing spandex, they usually have an agenda anyway. It worked a couple of times. I am a trained chef, so maybe I lied a little. As for your specific situation, no man in this day and age doesn't have a personal smart phone so he's probably taken-bacon. If he really doesn't have a phone of his own then his sh#$ is weak.

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