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What's the worst job you've had? Why?

Mea 7 Mar 27

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The Army! The hours sucked! The pay was terrible! People wanted to kill you!


I had a temp job many years ago in the office of a paint factory. The smell was so awful that I can still bring up the memory of it even decades later. Needless to say I was out of there in less than an afternoon. Would have left sooner, but a part of me was saying, "you'll get used to it." Uh, no.


Looking back on it now I'd have to say the worst job I ever had would be casino janitorial. I use the word "worst" loosely here, because really I haven't had too many jobs that I wouldn't do again. But if I had to pick a "worst" job it would be that one. It's one thing to clean up the vomit and feces of your babies and when taking care of folks with health issues, it's another thing entirely to clean up after normal functioning human beings who's only excuse is alcohol. And while I'm on the subject, people really need to learn how to flush a toilet in public.

Ugh, having worked a nasty job as a housekeeper in a hotel on Fort Myers Beach, I can only imagine how much worse it would be to clean up after the people at a casino. That's like dealing with a spring breakers every day!

@carcmcgarc Yep. Pretty much sums it up. It amazes me how people act in public versus at home.


A temp/manual labor job I had because I needed something to keep some cash flowing. It was basically moving stuff (debris) from one place to another. Real grunt work. Second worst, another temp job working for a guy who owned a small window washing business. Spider-man I'm not.


Telemarketing. Getting yelled at by people, having to bend the truth and feel like I was scamming people, reading from a script, constantly getting threatened to be sent home for the day (cutting into my pay) if I wasn't hitting quota. It's just all bad on so many levels. That's the only job I ever said "I quit" at and walked out.


My current job, I am an overnight baker in a grocery store


After the bubble bursting in '08 (aka the rich getting richer again) construction job were harder to get. Everyone seemed to do what they had to. I went back to working hourly. The contractor was bleeding money from investments that had nothing to do with this work, but he still tried to scrape every dollar he could, at the expense of everyone who worked for him. Odd thing is, I don't even think he realized how he was acting, completely. People go into oblivious auto-pilot under stress.


Worked in a plastics factory for $3.10 an hour. It was a cloud of plastic dust throughout the factory and you had to wear long sleeves all the time so you didn't spend all day scratching yourself. This was my first job after the military and was about 2 bucks an hour more than the Air Force paid me.


Bursar’s office teller when first starting on my live in jobs
Boring and mean set of coworkers


Helping to install air conditioning units into attics in Florida in August...
It’s dark mostly, up to 120 degrees sometimes, and you are in a permanent crouch to avoid the roofing nails from raking your back whilst kneeling on roof beams so you don't Fall through the ceiling...
LOTS of fun.


I was once a waitree in a German hotel. Worst job ever. I am so clumsy; they finally gave up on me.


I did overnight at a homeless shelter. When I found my way thru the computer files and saw how much money they had, the conditions of the shelter, and my pay, I had to quit. It was disgraceful


My first job out of college was working for MCI as a telemarketer. I hated calling people and bothering them by trying to sell them long distance plans. I got in trouble a few times because on occasion I would get an elderly person on the phone and I would talk to them about whatever they wanted because they were lonely. It was a very predatory business and I found another job as quickly as I could.

It was slightly worse than a job I had for a week in a slaughterhouse. My mom got me the job while I was home for Spring break in college. One of my jobs (sorry this is gross) was loading barrels of guts and other waste into the scoop of a loader tractor and hauling and dumping it into a pit in a field behind the slaughterhouse. That pit was like the angry maw of hell. My last day was when I fell off of a ladder on to a concrete floor. I was cleaning the ceiling and the ladder slipped out from under me. That hurt. A lot.

I toured a slaughter house of curiosity in high school and it was insane. I remember how full of blood the air was and seeing a dismembered cow's head with its hide ripped off, eyes still attached, still steaming with warmth, was very surreal.


You'll have to be British and of a certain age to understand this but... the worst job I ever had was with Jayne Mansfield, removing lobsters...

'Derek and Clive Live'...fookin' brilliant.
Listened to a few tracks in an Indie record store in London once...the owner locked the door so we could listen to the XXX rated dialogue without interruption. Peter Cook and Dudley Moore at their best!
So, whats the worst job that you ever had?


Washing dishes at the Rooftop Restaurant and Hotel in SoFla for extra bacon. Why?

  1. The job.
  2. The management.
    When I was all caught up on my bills, I handed in my notice, and was promptly cursed out by my super.
    I suggested he come to Friday's island and get a real day's work done, then I left.

Graveyard cashier at a gas station in a well to do town while I was going to college.


Temporary accounts clerk during university vacation. Everyone hated me because I got on with the work and finished it too quickly. It was so boring trying to find something to do to pass the time.


Second shift: 2 pm to 10 pm, 3pm to 11 pm when I worked at a local Walmart as a greeter while standing the whole full hours shift and greeting rude customers. Never again!


The last job I had before my current one sucked shit. When I was interviewing for the job they insinuated that I would get hourly plus commission which turned out to be a lie, I had to deal with irate customers calling in all day because of their shady business practices and I had to pull teeth just to get $10 per hour with 0 benefits. I literally hated that job with a passion and didn't hide my feelings about it.

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