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In your experience, when discussing religion with a believer, what's the most common thing they say when they realize they don't have an answer?

MatthewHammond 2 Nov 20

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With older people it’s the old “mysterious ways” thing. Younger people who are cocky try to attack the messenger and the rest usually just go quiet.

gearl Level 8 Nov 21, 2017

They say God gave us free will when I ask why a God would allow all of this human folly and destruction .My simple reply is ,if he was all knowing why would he not know the consequences of giving free will to stupid human beings .They never can answer this.


After some stammering, they usually just ask if I'm into bondage.

I don't think those are christians, lol


It's not one that I hear all the time, but the one that makes me groan the most is "I rather believe in (insert topic here) than go to hell. I then tell them that it's a good thing I don't believe in hell. They usually walk away after that.


God works in mysterious ways.

~Elwood J. Blues


In most cases, it is not worth the effort to discuss religion with a believer. You cannot reason with a person whose beliefs are irrational.



First I try to avoid these conversations if I can in person.
It's God's will.
It's beyond our knowledge, our feeble minds can't comprehend God's motivations.
It's in the bible so it must be true.


Wahahahahahahahahahahahaha. One single word. Jayzussss jayzussss jayzussss!!!!!

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