How much can our perspective influence our bodies and the world we live in?
Does mind over matter exist? If so, what are its limitations?
Thinking points:
The Placebo Effect
Multiple Personality Disorder
Monks & Yogis and bodily control
--and any other examples.
your minds a powerful thing. being positive I think helps a lot but everything can be a double-edged sword. not minding and giving up mentally kills many people quicker.
People suffering disease or bodily trauma can influence the outcome of their medical treatments. Some people "fight" to live. Others "will" themselves to die. Doctors have little influence if the patient gives up.
Anyone study the occult?
The truth relates directly to the honest expectation of the parties involved. That's why you can always dance great when no one is watching (yourself included), and why you cannot don a 'belief' like a new shirt and expect to change your life. It's why you become like those around you and why some hermits are magickal weirdos. It's why children learn how you act and don't listen to what you say.
Wow! Mind over matter. I got many examples.
Definitely and I have used it.
I have a problem with easily going into shock. Any unusual physical injury will send me into shock and after a particular accident I had a grand mal seizure. When getting a minor surgery with general anesthesia (vasectomy - I mention this because it was a nurse assisting which gave me a slight understanding of how women feel going to a male gynecologist). I told the nurse of this issue so she sat by to distract me. I could hear the my pulse on a meter and found I could actually control the rate with my mind.
A recent article in the Smithsonian
The incidents of stigmatas' show they are generated mentally. The proof that it does not come from some god is the fact that the marks on the hand are wrong. Nails were put in people's wrists as the hand is too weak to support a body that falls forward.
Good feefback. Im still stuck in the religious answers i think i need to put out there. Theres many other examples of mind over matter. Learning to dog paddle before you end up
It's all interesting stuff... another thinking point is ESP and clairvoyance, which some try to explain as non-local coherence (quantum physics gobbledygook). Some very interesting studies in assessing the success of forced-choice design (think prediction of cards with symbols) do support its existence by pure statistics alone.
The old attitude of the placebo effect was to write it off as "in your mind". Today, It's being re-visited as a very useful tool therefore more research is being conducted. That's a good thing in my mind. This is good reading if you're into it: []
you probably don't want to know! lol