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Unique SciFi Technology?

What is the most unique technology you have come across from science fiction, fantasy, speculative fiction, etc? Everyone has heard about teleporters and FTL, but what haven't we heard about?

Feel free to recommend books, movies, etc along the way! ?

DonThiebaut 7 Mar 28

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I read the Dune series some time ago so do not remember nomenclature for the gear worn to recover water for the "natives" of Dune but that is one technology that will probably someday be adopted when other planets are colonized. The most unique technology was the use of "spice" to allow the "transporter" race to bend space to allow delivery of the spice, and other goods, in a timely manner across light years.


An AI implanted in the heads of exiles to aid them in their survival as well as a deterant to returning. Or resonance cannon that reads the resonance of the target and creates a pulse to destroy the target. Both from Veiled Stars available on Amazon.

Gohan Level 7 Apr 1, 2018

The nano tech from the Old Man's War series by John Scalzi.
The first three are both excellent sci fi in their own right and a brilliantly executed tribute to many of his forerunners in the genre. He starts in Heinlein and finishes in Dickson.


BOLOs (concieved by Keith Laumer) are 35000 ton contenental seige machines equiped with plasma canons and an AI that allows introspection and gives the BOLO a personality. The BOLO can decide if it will fight or not, it's aware of it's own mortality and in some stories you think it has emotions, not programmed responses.
In one story after a galactic war has mutually destroyed most of the Human and Melconian race, the survivors of each race end up on the same planet. They are at each others throats to kill the last remnants of the others, a BOLO brokers peace between them allowing them to coexist peacefully and continue their species by learning tolerance and cohabitation.


Not so much tech but a planet of truly androgynous sentient beings in “The Left Hand of Darkness” by Ursula K. Le Guin. All individuals biologically experience male and female biology.

That sort of thing is thought provoking.


Ubik by Philip Dick- a machine that puts a person on the brink of brain death into stasis, allowing the last seconds of their life to be put on pause so that loved ones can continue visiting them. Each time they are partially awoken for a visit they continue to die but at a decelerated rate, and whilst in stasis they can make contact with other people in the same situation in a sort of technological afterlife.


Duuude. Just look to the US govt. Look up the Philadelphia Experiment, Mauntauk Project, Dulce Base, S4. It's real...and the hole goes deep.

It's true, I was at the Philadelphia experiment, as a matter of fact I'm due back there in 10 minutes...

@Rufus_Maximus Better hurry...don't wanna end up in the ship again.


Shadow Man by Melissa Scott: the computer interface is non-physical; one operates the computer with the hands, contacting nodes of thermal differences and vibration and whatnot. Kind of like the gestural stuff we have now...

The future is now!


Anyone else watched that tv series V? Some good shit.

Old or new?

@Blindbird umm not brand new but newish the one where spaceship comes to earth and has new technology and beautiful aliens that look like humans but are really reptiles that are tricking the humans. It had Morris Chestnut in it.

@JoelLovell I didn't see the newish one butbthe old one was pretty cool.


I thought the "Point of view gun", from The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy movie, was truly original:

Oh, yeah! I forgot about that one! Any ideas on how to invent it? ?


If you know Issac Arthur's work, then you probably know this one. Mining the Sun for hydrogen and other things, to prevent it from becoming a red giant and vaporizing Earth in about 4 or 5 billion years. It isn't fantasy, it is speculative science, and probably is possible.

Not so much a technology as an approach to a problem, but fascinating nonetheless

@icolan Hi mass stars, like Betelgeuse burn up their nuclear fuel very fast, because their gravity concentrates the fusionable elements. Such stars may last only a million years before they explode and make black holes. The smallest stars last the longest because less of the core is compressed enough to fuse elements, for example hydrogen into helium. Thus, removing hydrogen will extend the Sun's life. The reason it will become a red giant is the hydrogen is consumed and helium begins to fuse into heavier elements.

@icolan yw


Slo-mo on the film Dredd. fucking brilliant film

Can you elaborate?

yes, its a drug they made up for the film that slows life down a 100 times. inspiring I think.


The SEP device from the hitchikers guide to the galaxy. This device allows you to do the impossible, by making it Somebody Else's Problem that it's not possible. Want to walk on the surface of the sun? No problem, since it is no longer your problem that you should be atomised and dead. In a quirk of probability every time an SEP device was used it would become the same other person's problem. This poor unfortunate then became the most overworked being in the history of the universe.

Nomad Level 6 Mar 28, 2018

Pretty much anything from Hitchhikers was good for uniqueness!


The TARDIS. I've not seen anything else like it. Sure, there are knockoffs, but nothing similar seems to predate it. There are plenty of things that have time and/or space travel, or are bigger on the inside, but the specific combination of everything that goes into it is so iconic and unique that it pretty stays in Doctor Who.

@icolan unless, of course, it ends up being a fixed point in time. ?


I'd go for the Protomolecule from the Expanse book series. It's basically a bioengineered extraterrestrial microscopic organism capable of doing feats such as assembling itself into a wormhole portal, breaking the laws of physics, infecting living creatures, surviving the surface of venus and an asteroid impact etc. If you're not familiar with the Expanse series, I'd recommend you read it.

Sounds pretty crazy! I imagine there is substantial plot-related reasons why this isn't just a cure-all for every problem man has?

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