Is it more important to have a lot if casual friends or just a few really close friends?
False. They're not mutually exclusive and these kinds of things are not one-size-fits-all.
I'm a very few, very close kind of person. But I don't pretend to assume that what works for me is necessarily good for everyone--or anyone--else. My recommendation would be "You decide."
For me it's not by how many it's by how much we mean for each other
friendship is a realtion like any other kind of realtion (Value) is every thing
it's the real engine of any healthy realition so more we were valued for each other more we will be very close no matter what.
Casual friends makes you go by, but have no meaning. Close friends are the best, but be careful, you may find disappointment in good friends as you do in love relationships.
I think it totally depends on the type of friend you plan to be.