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How would you like to identify yourself

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SunilKolli 3 Mar 28

Enjoy being online again!

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I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together.
I am the eggman, we are the eggmen, I am the walrus
Goo goo g'joob.


I would like to not identify with anything.

I have never felt comfortable with labels anyhow. They chafe.

I've always found them to be a pain-in-the-neck. Well, not actual pain, just itchy and annoying.


I look at my drivers license when I'm not sure.


I like the term "apatheist" in that I don't care if there is a God or not. I don't see any proof for an existence of gods, but even if there were, it wouldn't affect my life anymore.

that's an interesting thought... if I had proof God/s exist (like one came down like a superhero (or villian) and was repeatedly caught on tape... I'm not sure I could say it wouldn't affect my life.


I "picked" atheist, but I identify with all three. Let me put it this way, because I don't mind identification if it's understood that any particular one is just one facet among many. So,...
"Skepicism is my nature, Freethought is my methodology, Agnosticism is my conclusion, Atheism is my opinion & Humanitarianism is my motivation."
Jerry DeWitt

& you also didn't add Apistevist!


I'm an anti-Christian. I want to expose Christianity as a fraud. The greatest fraud perpetrated on the human race.

@irascible Absolutely....


I think religion should he actively fought as something that impedes the advancement and brings about hate. Still it is a fantastic tool for people who are lost and feel without meaning. If it takes religion to make them better for the time being then that is ok.


Certainly have no worries about the traditonal God. But I don't really identify as totally atheist either.

If the Fundamentalist/Evangelical Christian view of the universe is correct then we are certainly living in a simulated reality and there exist deeper answers and other realities so it is blatantly obvious that that isn't correct and/or not the entire story.

So then we seek answers to the deeper questions. Is there an intelligence governing the universe? If so, where the f%@! did it come from? Is the universe just inherently intelligent? It seems not. Are there meaningful symettries in the universe? Certaintly and provably yes. Does that mean that there is a "God". No, not by any standard definition. So, I'm left as a skeptical agnostic.


I "crossed over" to atheist around the same time as the Blashpemy Challenge. At the time, I was scared to say it out loud, or even type it in a forum, but as I've gone further in my studies, I'm finding more and more that God is simply impossible, and the entire idea co-evolved with us humans.


But I am also Anti-Thiest if someone asks. Atheist is a position on the God/s question; Anti-Thiest is a view towards religion and Gods;


I still believe in a Higher Self, Source energy, reincarnation, etc.

I just don't think the Biblical Hebrew "god" exists, since the god is apparently copied from "Anu," the leader of the Sumerians, as written about in the Sumerian texts.

Pure atheist. As the flowers bloom, only to wilt and fade, so humans are like blooms that soon enough wilt and fade. Got to appreciate it all while the bloom is on.

@ChasTurner So, you're saying that Einstein is a liar..we aren't made of energy, which can't be destroyed or created, and that, because we are made of energy, we have always existed and will always exist in some form? LOL! You just proved my point. No listening to facts any more than the alt-right.


I am an Agnostic Atheist. I do not believe god exists, but I am open to evidence to the contrary. I just don't think there will ever be such.

Kyle Level 4 Apr 7, 2018



You put thoughts and words in my mouth that don't originate in my own brain.


I'm just me


I don't like labels. I just know I can't believe in what I can't see, and I can't disbelieve just because I can't see it either. Besides, if a deity exists, I believe it manifests itself through people - all the good and the harm that we do. Keep it dialled down to that, and it's all manageable.


I am that I am

Rosh Level 7 Mar 29, 2018

I"m not there. I consider myself irreligious and humanistic.


Immortal Dark Lord of the Baroque!


I say I am a naturalIst humanIst unItarIan u wIth quaker roots, I do not personafy the lIfe forces.

SKIP Level 2 Apr 13, 2018

I just use Ian 🙂


Atheist &&&& Antithiest


I'm not really sure how I'd identify my beliefs. I don't believe in modern religions for sure. Way too much pre-biblical history for that. Yet for myself, I know the being itself continues after the body dies.
I also believe our ancestors were on to something. Way too many spectacular things were achieved that we can't do today. I'm not saying its a religion but more of a universal connection that we had with something.

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